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Women in Engineering (WIE)

Women in Engineering Student ambassadors standing in a group right in front of the College of Engineering building

Welcome to Women in Engineering (WIE) at Michigan State University

We coordinate programs and resources to support engineering students from a diversity of backgrounds. Our primary goals include:

  • Increasing the pool of qualified women who enter our Engineering college and assisting in retaining these students in their chosen academic programs.
  • Assisting women students in preparing for graduate programs in engineering and careers in engineering.
  • Providing women students with resources and services to enable their success in their academic and professional pursuits.
  • Facilitating the development of leadership and career enhancing skills as well as mentoring and networking opportunities.
  • Working with other programs and units in the College of Engineering to provide a positive environment for the success of our women engineering students.
  • Introducing engineering as a career option to pre-college students.

The WIE Student Success office and WIE Recruitment, Civic Engagement, and Recruitment office offer support and resources every step of the way.

K-12 Students

Programs and activities promote diversity in engineering education and careers

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Student Success

Support starts the moment students begin their Spartan experience

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Opportunities to contribute and engage extend beyond graduation for Spartan Engineers

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Support Women in Engineering

Expenditures from the Endowment will be used for the College of Engineering purposes at the discretion of its Associate Dean of Engineering for Undergraduate Studies, or for any future successor MSU unit. With preference given to the needs of the Women in Engineering program and scholarship support for those whose presence broadens the cultural diversity of the College of Engineering student population.
Focus is to recruit and retain women of all backgrounds as they pursue a degree in engineering at Michigan State University. They provide resources and services to enable success and help to create a positive environment for the success of women engineering students. In achieving its goals, the Women in Engineering programs do not discriminate against any person in the delivery of its services and programs.
In achieving its goals, the Women in Engineering program does not unlawfully discriminate. All events and programs are open to students of all genders.