Thank you for your interest in graduate study at Michigan State University! The graduate application process generally requires the following steps:
1. College Department Requirements: Please review the admissions requirements for the program to which you've applied. Some departments require supplemental applications or other materials.
When filling out the applications, it is imperative you provide a correct and working email address since almost all correspondence is conducted via email.
To apply for our online programs visit Online Master's Engineering Programs website.
If you encounter difficulties during the application process, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator in the department you are applying to.
Contact Details
Since the application deadlines are set by individual departments, please consult the web site of your department of choice for that information. For fall semester admission, a good target date to keep in mind for application deadline would be mid-December.
2. MSU Graduate Application: Please complete the Application for Graduate Studies. You will be required to pay an application fee and provide both an Academic Statement and a Personal Statement. As part of this online application you will be provided a MSU applicant number - please save this number for your records. Applicants will need the program ID number provided on the department web pages when completing the graduate application
Your Personal Statement should concisely describe how your background and life experiences - including social, economic, cultural, familial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges - motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree.
When preparing your Personal Statement, please address the following questions:
Your Personal Statement should be concise, and no more than 2 pages when formatted in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins and single line spacing.
Your Academic Statement should be a concise statement of your plans for graduate study, your career goals, and how MSU's graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. Your Academic Statement must include the following statement: "My intended area of specialization in the graduate program in (DEPARTMENT) at Michigan State University will be in _________________." If you have already been in contact with faculty or staff at MSU regarding your application for graduate studies, please list these contacts in your Academic Statement.
When preparing your Academic Statement, please include the following information:
Your Academic Statement should be concise, and no more than 2 pages when formatted in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins and single line spacing.