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Career Preparation


career preparation

Earning a Ph.D. in a biomedical science is an enormous achievement. The goal of MSU BEST, one of 17 BEST programs around the country funded by the National Institutes of Health, is to empower trainees to develop professional skills and experiences which will permit them to pursue careers that will be personally and professionally meaningful.

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Graduate Career Development, together with the MSU Graduate School, provides multiple online resources, as well as workshops and advising, to support the many paths graduate students choose to pursue. The primary web resources for career exploration and professional development are located on the MSU Graduate Career Development website.

Each spring we showcase the work of graduate students from across the College of Engineering and celebrate accomplishments with speakers, poster sessions, and award presentations.

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At MSU, graduate engineering students have opportunities to build on skills most relevant to the careers they want as well as receive guidance from faculty. Whether you’re interested in careers in industry, business, non-profit, government or an academic environment, you can tailor your experience at MSU for your goals.

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The Michigan State University Certification in College Teaching program is an initiative of The Graduate School, in partnership with departments and colleges. The program is designed to help graduate students organize and develop their teaching experience in a systematic and thoughtful way. Program participants partake in a series of workshops, enroll in a graduate course devoted to teaching in higher education, engage in a mentored teaching experience with a faculty member and develop a teaching portfolio to highlight, organize and reflect upon their teaching experiences. Upon completion of the program, students receive an MSU Certificate in College Teaching and the accomplishment is noted on their transcript.


The Certification in College Teaching is available to students enrolled in any Ph.D. program within the College of Engineering. Students must obtain the support of their research adviser and must identify one or more teaching mentors from the College of Engineering faculty. The same individual may serve as both research adviser and teaching mentor, or students may select different faculty for these roles.

Core Competencies

As part of the Certification in College Teaching program, students will develop competency in five areas:

  • Adult Students as Learners - Creating Learning Environments
  • Engineering Teaching Strategies
  • Assessment of Learning
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Professional Development - Understanding the Academy

One popular way to develop competency in these areas is by participating in the annual CCT Institute.


The MSU Graduate School provides detailed information about the requirements for the CCT program.

EGR 811: Foundations of Engineering Education

As part of the Certification in College Teaching program, graduate students in the College of Engineering are expected to enroll in EGR 811, offered annually.

Mentored Teaching Project

A key component of the Certification in College Teaching Program is the completion of a mentored teaching project.  Students must complete the Mentored Teaching Project Document  PRIOR to starting their project.

Final Portfolio Submission

Students who have completed all of the CCT requirements should submit their final portfolio online. Sample portfolios are available for review here. The portfolio will first be reviewed by the College, then by the Graduate School.  Once the final portfolio is approved, the certificate notation will be added to the student's transcript.

Additional Information

For additional information, visit the Certification in College Teaching website. General inquiries may be directed to Ms. Deanne Hubbell (, while inquiries specific to the College of Engineering may be directed to Dr. Katy Luchini Colbry, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services (