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Funding Opportunities

There are several options available for our grad students to consider when planning how to finance their education. Learn about the different types of financial support offered to graduate students:

Emergency Funding

The Graduate School’s Emergency Fellowship Funding is available to graduate students who experience unusual or unforeseen emergency situations that are of a sudden and temporary nature.

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Conference Travel Grants

The College of Engineering provides travel grants to help support current graduate students in presenting their research at appropriate conferences or disciplinary meetings.

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Accelerator Science and Engineering Traineeship (ASET)

The ASET program offers an exciting training opportunity in accelerator science and engineering for master’s and PhD graduate students in physics and astronomy and engineering.

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The College of Engineering will provide a one-time $2,000 child care award for its graduate students with primary care responsibility for a child (0-36 months in age) who is enrolled in a licensed child care program, with a provider other than a family member. The maximum award is $2,000 per eligible graduate student family. Eligible graduate students with multiple children may only apply for one child care grant (maximum of $2,000). If both parents are enrolled as graduate students in the MSU College of Engineering, the maximum award is $2,000 per family.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this infant care support, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be a graduate student in the Michigan State University College of Engineering
  • Be enrolled at least half-time in a degree granting program during the semester in which you apply for the infant care support
  • Be the parent of a child between the ages of 0 and 36 months old
  • Incur child care expenses from services provided by a licensed provider, and provide a statement from the provider confirming these expenses
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress, as required by the department, College and University
  • Use child care services because you are a single parent or, if co-parenting, because your partner is either a student or employed outside the home

Application Process

To apply for this one-time support, please email the following information to Katy Colbry:

  • A completed copy of the infant care support application form
  • A completed copy of the child care provider information form
  • A copy or photograph of the child’s birth certificate

To obtain an application and provider information forms, contact Katy Colbry at or (517) 432-1064.

Awarding of the Infant Care Support

Applications will be reviewed as they are received; expected review time is approximately 3 weeks, to allow for enrollment verification in the current semester.

Approved infant care support requests are paid as graduate student fellowships. These fellowship funds are deposited to students' MSU accounts as lump sum payments, and are generally subject to tax withholding. Fellowships are also applied first to outstanding balances on students' accounts. Any remaining balance is available for students as a refund from their student account. It is the student’s responsibility to use the refund as payment to the licensed child care provider.

Most graduate teaching assistantships (TAs) in the College of Engineering are reserved for incoming graduate students as part of departmental recruiting efforts.  When filling remaining TA positions, preference is generally given first to graduate students within the department offering the course and then to graduate students within the College of Engineering. In general, doctoral students are given priority over Master's students when filling TA positions.

Some of the common courses that may have TAs assigned in the College of Engineering include:

  • EGR 100, 102
  • CE 221, 273, 274, 305, 312, 321, 337, 400, 406
  • CHE 201, 210, 311, 431, 432, 433, 472, 481
  • CSE 101, 231, 232, 260, 320, 335, 402, 410, 422, 425, 431, 435, 440, 450, 460, 472, 476, 482, 491, 498
  • ECE 303, 331, 345, 405, 415, 420, 445
  • ENE 480, 481
  • ME 222, 332, 370, 391, 412, 418, 443, 451, 465, 470, 477
  • MSE 250, 331

Information about these courses may be found in the MSU Course Descriptions.

Typical Qualifications for Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistantships

TAs for CSE 101 (Computing Concepts and Competencies) must have strong computing skills in addition to exceptional communication and organizational skills.

TAs for all other courses in the College of Engineering must have extensive experience in mathematics, science and/or engineering, equivalent to what would normally be acquired through a bachelor's degree in engineering or science.  In particular, TAs in the College of Engineering typically require college experience of at least: 4 semesters of calculus, 2 semesters of physics, 2 semesters of chemistry or biology, 1 semester of laboratory experience in natural science or engineering, and 1 semester of computer programming.  Most engineering TA positions also require extensive coursework in the discipline of the hiring department.

Application Process for Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Each unit determines available TA positions and establishes application procedures separately. Current MSU graduate students who wish to be notified of open TA positions in the College of Engineering should fill out the Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant Interest Form.  As TA openings become available, the hiring unit will email information about the available position(s) and application procedures to students who have indicated interest through this form. Submissions through this form are valid for 6 months; you may re-submit your interest each semester if desired.

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The College of Engineering sponsors several funding opportunities for graduate students that are based on faculty or departmental nominations, not direct application by students.  Engineering graduate students who are interested in being considered for these awards should talk to their research advisers and/or graduate program director.

Dissertation Completion Fellowship (DCF)

The DCF is intended to support PhD students in their last year. Nominations are solicited in the summer for awards during the following academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer). Students cannot apply directly for the DCF. Instead, interested students should have their faculty research advisers nominate them by contacting the graduate program director in their department no later than the May prior to students' final semester.

Graduate Office Fellowship (GOF)

GOF funds are distributed by each department in the College of Engineering, often as supplemental funding for summer support or for other partial funding awards. Students cannot apply directly for the GOF. Instead, interested students or their faculty mentors should contact the graduate program director in their department to determine their process for allocating GOF funds.

Engineering Distinguished Fellowship (EDF)

The EDF is a recruiting fellowship awarded to outstanding PhD students at the time they are admitted to MSU. Students cannot apply directly for the EDF. Instead, interested students should closely follow the statement guidelines when preparing their application materials, as these statements are among the criteria used to select EDF nominees.