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Doctoral Candidate Information


Congratulations on scheduling your Ph.D. defense! Your name, dissertation title/abstract, and the time/location of your defense will be added to the College of Engineering website and to the monitors in the Engineering Building lobby. If you have questions or concerns about how the information you submit may be used, please contact Dr. Katy Luchini Colbry,

The following information will be needed in order to complete the web form. Incomplete submissions may be rejected. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your completed form, or indicating what additional information you need to submit. If you do not receive this email within three business days after submitting the form, please contact Dr. Katy Luchini Colbry,

  1. Name as you would like to appear on the College postings
  2. Email
  3. Ph.D. major (program)
  4. Date, time and location (room and building) of Ph.D. defense
  5. Name of your Ph.D. advisor
  6. .pdf copy of the official Ph.D. Defense announcement from your department
  7. Dissertation title
  8. .pdf, .doc or .docx copy of your dissertation abstract

Complete Form