Assistant Professor
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE), College of Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Farrall Agricultural Engineering Hall, 524 S Shaw Ln Rm 206
I have research and extension interests in the areas of agricultural water management systems and water quality. My Extension goal is to provide education to stakeholders to address their needs and issues. I provide education to diverse stakeholders, including producers, drainage contractors, crop advisors, conservation professionals, and agency personnel. I translate my applied research into educational
Extension products. My Extension website hosts those educational products.
My research goal is to increase the performance and profitability of agricultural water management systems and reduce their environmental impact. I am interested in innovative practices that reduce nutrient loss to surface water and conserve water for crop production. Some of these practices are controlled drainage, saturated buffer, and drainage water recycling. I am also interested in modeling agricultural water management systems at the field scale. I value diversity and interdisciplinary research in advancing the agricultural engineering field and accelerating scientific discovery in the drainage community.
B.Sc. 2005. Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Agricultural Engineering-Irrigation
M.Sc. 2008. Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Agricultural Engineering-Irrigation and Drainage
Ph.D. 2014. Ohio State University. Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering
B. Dialameh, E. Ghane*. 2023. Investigation of phosphorus transport dynamics using high-frequency monitoring at a subsurface-drained field in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Journal of the Great Lakes Research. E. Ghane*, A. Nejadhashemi, I. Kropp. 2023. A drain spacing tool that estimates the optimum subsurface drain spacing for maximum profit. Journal of the ASABE. 66, 397-402. Y. AbdalAal, E. Ghane*. 2023. Comparison of newly proposed and existing design criteria for saturated buffers. Journal of the ASABE. 66, 431-440. M.S.B. Shokrana, E. Ghane, Z. Qi. 2023. Calibration and validation of RZWQM2-P model to simulate phosphorus loss in clay loam soil in Michigan. Journal of the ASABE. 66, 1-12.