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Professional headshot of Scott Calabrese Barton

Scott Calabrese Barton


Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (ChEMS), College of Engineering

Engineering Bldg, 428 S Shaw Ln Rm 3243


Electrochemical engineering with a focus in catalysis and transport in electrochemical energy systems, from experimental and theoretical perspectives.


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Columbia University 1999

M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991

B.A., Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame 1989


Y. Xie, S. D. Minteer, S. Banta and S. C. Barton, "Markov State Study of Electrostatic Channeling within the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Supercomplex", ACS Nanosci. Au, 2, 414–421 (2022). doi:10/gqkvtq

A. Mirabal and S. Calabrese Barton, "Numerical Correction of In Situ AFM-SECM Measurements", Anal. Chem., 93, 12495–12503 (2021). doi:10/gmrwqq

M. S. Dhawan, G. D. Yadav and S. Calabrese Barton, "Zinc-electrocatalyzed hydrogenation of furfural in near-neutral electrolytes", Sustainable Energy Fuels, 5, 2972–2984 (2021). doi:10/gj3gp7

K. S. Chavan and S. Calabrese Barton, "Confinement and Diffusion of Small Molecules in a Molecular-Scale Tunnel", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167, 023505 (2020). doi:10/gg735g