Saturday - October 5, 2024
8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, transfer prospective students and their families, school groups and teachers.
Michigan State University
College of Engineering
Engineering Building Lobby
428 S. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824
Visit Map and Parking page to learn more.
No fee to attend
Another great opportunity to check out the College of Engineering is Preview Day, held in early October every year. Meet with professors, tour laboratories and see engineering interactive demonstrations, learn about majors and careers, talk with current MSU students, view undergraduate research posters and projects, and much more. Also Interim Dean Papapolymerou and Undergraduate Studies Associate Dean Amanda Idema, Office of Engineering Recruitment and K-12 Outreach, Admissions Office, Study Abroad, Financial Aid Office, Advising Office, Guided Learning Center, the Engineering Library, Division of Engineering Computing Services, Women In Engineering, the Cornerstone/Residential program, and the Diversity Programs Office will be available throughout the day.
MSU’s College of Engineering Future Spartan Engineers Preview Day is an opportunity for high school seniors and transfer prospective students to experience the latest that MSU has to offer in engineering.
A variety of interesting and exciting events can be found at the Preview Day. Meet with professors, tour laboratories and see scientific demonstrations, learn about majors and careers, talk with current MSU students, and much more. Also, the Dean and Associate Dean of Engineering, Admissions Office, Study Abroad, Financial Aid Office, Advising Office, Guided Learning Center, the Engineering Library, Division of Engineering Computing Services, Women in Engineering, and the Multi-cultural Initiatives will be available throughout the day.
Registration is required and easy to do! You will receive an immediate confirmation of your reservation via email. A detailed program book, color-coded map and brochure will be distributed at the registration table in the Engineering lobby.
Groups of high school seniors are welcome to attend. Preview Day activities are geared to this level of students, so attendance by younger student groups is not recommended. If you have questions please feel free to contact Drew Kim, Assistant to the Dean for Recruitment, Scholarships and K-12 Outreach at (517) 353-7282 or e-mail,, or Luis Donado, Assistant Director for Recruitment and K-12 Outreach at
Free parking will be available in lots 39, 79, Ramp 1 or 5.
Accommodations for disabilities are available. Please contact us at (517) 353-7282 or to make arrangements.