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May 25, 2020

ASME Fellow

Patrick Kwon honored by American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Patrick Kwon, of the Michigan State University College of Engineering, has received the designation of Fellow from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is one of a select number of 3,425 Fellows who have attained the grade of Fellow among 83,034 ASME members. Only 3 percent of members achieve the Fellow grade.

Patrick Kwon is a sought-after expert of advanced manufacturing.

Kwon is a professor of mechanical engineering and currently serves the Department of Mechanical Engineering as associate chair for graduate studies.

MSU Foundation Professor James Klausner, who is chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, said the Fellow grade is a truly prestigious honor among ASME members.

"Patrick has served Michigan State University and ASME with distinction. He is a highly sought after and renowned expert in advanced manufacturing. He works tirelessly to bring excellence to the Mechanical Engineering graduate research program, and our faculty are very proud that Patrick's vast research and education accomplishments have been recognized by ASME."

Kwon's research involves material issues in design and manufacturing, machining and additive manufacturing and mechanical behavior of materials. He has made pioneering advancements in understanding the fundamental wear mechanisms of cutting tools and improving the integrity of additively made parts.

About ASME Fellow Membership
The ASME Board of Governors confers the distinction of Fellow grade membership to candidates who have been nominated by their peers and selected by the Fellow Review Committee with final approval of the Committee of Past Presidents. These individuals are recognized for their distinguished career and engineering achievements.