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Oct. 17, 2023

CBS interview: Arun Ross weighs in on new AI detection tool

MSU College of Engineering's Arun Ross offers CBS-TV insight on AI detection challenges

An MSU College of Engineering computer science professor has received national exposure for his research on Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Arun Ross, the college's Martin J. Vanderploeg Endowed Professor, recently conducted an interview with CBS to offer his thoughts on a new program called Ai-Spy. 

AI-Spy is an AI-detecting program that developers say "makes it easy to determine if audio is human or AI-generated," according to its website. 

Ross' interview has aired this week on several CBS affiliate broadcasts across the country.

Ross emphasized in the interview that tools currently used to detect AI-related content will most likely need to improve and evolve quickly to match the latest technology. 

"If we can detect something synthetic today, we may not be able to use the same method tomorrow," Ross said. 

Ross' interview can be found here: He is considered an internationally recognized expert in biometrics, computer vision and machine learning.

Ross is a professor in the College of Engineering's Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and earned his M.S. and PhD degrees in CSE at MSU. 

For more information on Ross, visit his profile page. 

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