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Nov. 2, 2023

Rajmeet Chandok, Aman Thamminana named Kelly A. Ford Scholars

Two MSU engineering students received Burgess Institute Kelly A. Ford Technology Scholar Award College of Engineering students named Burgess Institute's Kelly A. Ford Technology Scholars

Nov. 1, 2023

The Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation announced Wednesday two Michigan State University College of Engineering students have received top honors in the fields of business and technology. 

Rajmeet Singh Chandok and Aman Dhruva Thamminana are 2023’s Kelly A. Ford Technology Scholars. Chandok and Thamminana are co-founders of Odin Classroom, a startup within the Burgess Institute’s advanced Launch Program. Odin Classroom is a coding platform designed for students. 

Kelly Ford (Communications ‘94) established the scholarship in 2021 because of her passion for the Burgess Institute’s work. The Kelly A. Ford Technology Scholarship is intended to encourage students who have demonstrated the capacity to set educational and professional goals, the motivation to achieve them, and the initiative to seek opportunities to further their startups’ progress. Both Chandok and Thamminana have been awarded a scholarship of $5,000.

For more information about the students' accomplishments and the Burgess Institute, check out the story at this link:

Written by Diego Fernandez, courtesy of Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation