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Dec. 19, 2023

MSU College of Engineering graduate featured in FOX TV newscast

Leah Flores-Cabrera, born in Mexico, overcomes odds to accomplish academic goals

Professional Headshot of Leah Flores-CabreraAn accomplished Applied Engineering Science fall semester graduate from Michigan State University’s College of Engineering was featured recently in a FOX TV broadcast. 

Leah Flores-Cabrera, a member of MSU’s 2023 Homecoming Court, shared with Lansing’s FOX 47 how she overcame odds to accomplish her engineering dreams on campus. 

Flores-Cabrera was born in Mexico and raised in the Metro Detroit suburbs. She minored in Supply Chain Management and is passionate about topics like business education, technology, travel and shortening the racial wealth gap.

“I might have been treated differently coming from a less privileged background,” Flores-Cabrera told FOX 47. “But despite being in spaces like that, I still made it to the same place as others who had more privileges. 

You can find out more about Flores-Cabrera’s background, her accomplishments and professional goals by clicking on the FOX 47 story link:

Flores-Cabrera was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and moved with her family to the U.S. at age 2. She was one of 12 students selected for MSU’s Homecoming Court this year. 

The selection committee was composed of MSU officials, alumni and community members. The committee considered students that make an impact on campus and beyond through their leadership involvement and academic successes.

Contact: Eric Lacy, Engineering communications manager, at