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April 8, 2024

Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering shows children its importance

Free MSU Science Festival events run through April on and off campus

MSU Science Festival image
The MSU Science Festival is a month-long celebration of free events on and off campus.

Michigan State University's Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) Department hosted Saturday, April 6, a day of exploration for children. 

Lansing's WILX-TV News 10 covered the event, part of MSU's Science Festival, and interviewed BAE Associate Professor Dawn Dechand about the experience. 

The event focused on teaching children how engineers benefit society and included activities related to food, health, energy and the environment.

“I think it’s just fun to explore the different concepts of biosystems engineering, to learn about things like how nano-biosensors can be used to detect disease," Dechand told WILX-TV. 

For more on the event, check out the story on WILX-TV's website.

For the latest BAE news visit and the department's website. 

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Nan-biosensors are small chip-like devices that can detect things like molecules and cells. Researchers often use them to develop a better understanding of diseases and pollutants.

The MSU College of Engineering has a Nano-Biosensors Lab on campus that is lead by Evangelyn Alocilja, a BAE professor.

Written by Eric Lacy, lacyeric@msu.eduSee more at the Engineering Media and Public Relations page.