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March 13, 2025

Driving change and learning through service

Students make a difference while gaining valuable skills

Individuals prepping food in the kitchen
Alternative Spartan Breaks include preparing food for residents at a safe house

What if Spring break was more than a trip to the beach?

For some engineering majors, Spring Break enhances both classroom and life skills through experiential learning offered by Michigan State University Alternative Spartan Breaks (MSU ASB). This student-led organization creates short-term service experiences focused on issues correlated to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These services include improving education, addressing economic growth, climate change, and environmental preservation.

MSU ASB schedules over 20 service trips per year, typically sending groups of 10 students and 2 team leaders to individual communities. Volunteers choose their destinations based on their passions, tackling the issues that matter most to them while gaining hands-on experience and making lasting connections.

Audrey Kind, an electrical engineering sophomore, has been on several trips, including one to Saginaw, Michigan. During that trip, MSU ASB partnered with Underground Railroad, a community organization that provides services to survivors of domestic violence. The volunteers helped clean and prepare food for the shelter residence.

“Being involved with ASB has helped me shape my aspirations as an engineering student,” Kind said. “Helping out within the community has helped me realize that many innovations these days can be improved regarding safety, efficiency, and sustainability."

3 students helping with outdoor cleanup
Work assignments can be outdoor cleanups or helping build houses

As a member of MSU ASB since her first year, Kind serves as the group’s logistics chair. Her job is to find housing, if the community partners do not offer it onsite, and to create a trip packet filled with essential information for participants, team leaders, and the community.

Saad Zaeem, a junior studying electrical engineering and the accounting chair for MSU ASB, participated on a trip to Hazard, Kentucky, in partnership with the Housing Development Alliance (HDA), where he built houses, painted walls, and installed flooring.

“Learning to divide responsibilities, communicate clearly, and respect each other’s contributions has been invaluable both in my personal growth and in preparing me for teamwork in my future career,” said Zaeem. "These experiences have reinforced the importance of adaptability, leadership, and working with diverse teams, all of which are essential skills in engineering.”

Information regarding financial assistance, past experiences and upcoming trips can be found on the Alternative Spartan Breaks website.

See this list for more service-oriented clubs and organizations on campus.

Written by Maggie Dillon

MSU College of Engineering Media and Public Relations page

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