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Applied Engineering Sciences focuses our curriculum on engineering globalization and sustainability. These concepts are reinforced tenfold by a study abroad experience.
Visit Engineering Education Abroad and MSU Education Abroad for more information.
The Eli Broad College of Business offers several programs, as well, that are applicable to AES students. These programs can help AES students complete both their general business requirements, as well as some of their concentration requirements. Learn more about the education abroad opportunities offered by The Eli Broad College of Business.
The School of Packaging offers a study abroad program that would be a great fit for AES students with a packaging concentration, or a supply chain concentration with an interest in logistics. This study abroad is offered every summer and is completed by mid-June, so students are still able to have an internship, if they would like.
If a semester or two away from campus does not appeal to you, there are student organizations on campus that offer similar opportunities to study abroad.
Alternative Spartan Breaks is a student organization that allows students to bring about change in communities both at home and abroad. To learn more about this organization, visit their website.
Engineers Without Borders works to implement sustainable engineering designs in developing countries. To learn more about EWB, visit their website.
It’s your time to find your passions and new areas of interest. Visit Undergraduate Research for more information on getting started.
Visit the Society of Applied Engineering Sciences website for information on upcoming meetings, recruiting events, and professional development opportunities.
There are many student organizations active in the department and the college. Participation is a great way to extend your education and to meet fellow students outside the regular class mode.
Visit the College of Engineering Student Groups page and the MSU Registered Student Groups page to learn about opportunities to engage.