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Article I

Section 1.1: Introduction

The name of this Board shall be “The Michigan State University College of Engineering Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department Advisory Board.” It shall hereinafter be referred to as the “CHEMS Department Advisory Board,” or as the “Board.” It is a “Constituent Association” of the Michigan State University (MSU) Alumni Association.

The purpose of the CHEMS Department Advisory Board shall be to advise and assist the faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (hereinafter referred to as the “CHEMS Department”). The CHEMS Department will engage the Board in an ongoing discussion of its plans, programs, and challenges. The Board will help the CHEMS Department achieve its goals, and will support the CHEMS Department’s efforts to update and improve its teaching, research and service programs in a manner both sensitive to the needs of the State of Michigan and the nation consistent with modern Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Engineering concepts.

The Board shall be particularly attentive to matters pertaining to communications with CHEMS Department alumni, development programs, and stewardship efforts. The Board also shall advise and assist the CHEMS Department on specific matters identified by the Chairperson of the CHEMS Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department Chairperson) or suggested by Board members.

The principal office of the CHEMS Department Advisory Board shall be the office of the Chairperson of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, College of Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

Article II

Section 2.1: Membership

All graduates and former students, faculty and staff members, former faculty and staff members, parents of students, and friends (i.e., not graduates) of Michigan State University are eligible for membership. Prospective Board members should:

  • Have demonstrated an interest in the field of Chemical Engineering or Materials Science Engineering (but are not required to hold a degree in either discipline),
  • Become familiar with the operation and programs of the MSU CHEMS Department,
  • Be prepared to attend all Board meetings and actively participate in the business of the Board.

No dues shall be assessed Board members.

Article III

Section 3.1: Organization

The CHEMS Department Advisory Board shall consist of eight (8) to ten (10) members, and shall be selected for their individual expertise and for their ability to contribute to the goals and objectives of the CHEMS Department.

Ex Officio Visiting Members: The Department Chairperson, the Dean of Engineering, and the immediate past chair (if going off the board), shall be ex officio non-voting members of the Board.

The Department Chairperson will submit the resume of each prospective Board member to the Board for consideration. A majority vote of the Board membership is required for approval.

In making selections for new members of the Board, consideration shall be given to increasing the diversity of the membership’s educational and work backgrounds, geographical locations, ethnicity, gender, and age (i.e., year of collegiate graduation).

Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be selected from among the Board members, exclusive of any ex officio visiting members. The Chairperson shall serve in this capacity for two (2) years. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board and perform such other duties as are necessary to carry out the objectives of the Board. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall lead Board meetings.

Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall be selected from among the Board members, exclusive of any ex officio visiting members. The Vice-Chairperson shall serve in this capacity for one (l) year.

Recording Secretary: The Chairperson or acting Chairperson shall designate a recording secretary at the start of each meeting who will take minutes during the meeting. The recording secretary may be selected from the Board members or from the faculty or staff of the CHEMS Department. The recording secretary shall keep all records of the Board and perform such other duties as the Board may direct.

The official year shall extend from January 1st to the succeeding December 31st. Service of a partial term is not to be considered as a full term.

Members shall serve for a period of four (4) years. Terms of office shall be staggered, with at least one (1) new member being elected each year. Members can be reappointed for additional terms, but consecutive terms may not exceed two.

The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson may remain a member past their original term to complete their obligation as an officer of the Board.

Should any member be unable to fulfill their obligations, the Board shall fill the vacant position in accordance with paragraph 3.1.2. The new appointee shall serve the remainder of the term with reelection and term limits as described previously.

Section 3.2: Meetings

The Department Chairperson, usually upon the advice of the Board members, shall determine the time and place of meetings of the CHEMS Department Advisory Board. Notice shall be sent to each Board member by the Department Chairperson at least six (6) months prior to said meeting, with a reminder sent to each Board member at least thirty (30) days prior to said meeting.

Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least once in each calendar year on the day(s) immediately preceding the fall meeting of the College of Engineering Alumni Association of Michigan State University.

Special Board meetings shall be at the call of the Department Chairperson, or at the request of four (4) members of the Board.

The agendas for regular and special meetings of the Board shall be published by the Department Chairperson and distributed with meeting notices. Meetings may include direct interaction with faculty, students and administrative personnel in the form of discussions, presentations and/or facility tours.

The minutes of the Board’s regular and special meetings shall be recorded. The Department Chairperson shall send a copy of the minutes to each Board member within thirty (30) days following each regular or special meeting of the Board. The meeting minutes are subject to approval at the following meeting.

The meeting will begin with the identification of a Recording Secretary, approval of the prior meeting minutes and a review of committee memberships as appropriate. Since the main function of the Board is the free exchange of information, no formal rules of conduct shall be imposed.

Section 3.3: Responsibilities

The CHEMS Department Advisory Board may create and terminate (as circumstances may dictate) committees to be charged with the organization and development of its objectives. The Board shall have the authority to settle any questions of jurisdiction of committees. The Chairperson of the CHEMS Department Advisory Board shall appoint members of all committees, with the consent of the Board, except as proscribed elsewhere in these Bylaws.

Department Chairperson – In addition to those responsibilities assigned elsewhere in these Bylaws, the Department Chairperson is responsible for:

  • Retaining all records of the Board,
  • Providing historical records to Board members to maintain continuity,
  • Insuring that new members are oriented to activities of the Board,
  • Maintaining an active membership roster with contact and biographical information.

Section 3.4: Amendments and Effective Date

Amendment shall be introduced at a regularly scheduled meeting.

This statement of Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board membership.

These Bylaws shall be in full force and effect when approved by a majority of the members of the Board and the Department Chairperson.

Approved by: Dr. Martin C. Hawley
Chairperson, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Michigan State University
September 2002

Bylaws of the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department Advisory Board of Michigan State University