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Broadening Participation K-12

Underrepresented Populations

Increasing awareness of the meaningful ways engineering impacts lives with a focus on diversity starts here.

Women in Engineering K-12 Camps and Programs

Offering a variety of programs and resources for K-12 students to explore engineering and computer science through hands on and virtual experiences.

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Tours and Presentations

Are you a prospective student considering Michigan State University? Schedule a visit to include presentations where you’ll learn about our programs and the many resources available to ensure success.

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Green and White Days

Discover what it means to be a Spartan during our biggest open house events of the year! Green and White Days, held in July, are special open house-style programs that allow you to connect with campus resources and see inside facilities not typically offered during regular tours. Customize your schedule and explore campus at your own pace.

Sign Up to Attend
The College of Engineering does not unlawfully discriminate. Events, programs and services are open to all students.