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Biosystems Engineering

Bachelor of Science

Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Program Details

BAE bs degree page

Interested in a Biosystems Engineering degree? 

The Biosystems Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Biological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission Logo


  • Fall 2024 – 197
  • Fall 2023 – 190
  • Fall 2022 – 200
  • Fall 2021 – 196
  • Fall 2020 – 214

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 36
  • 2022-2023 – 49
  • 2021-2022 – 46
  • 2020-2021 – 47
  • 2019-2020 – 31



1. University Requirements: (23 Credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities, IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or> 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences, ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX 8 cr
  • Bioscience: BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr

2. College Requirements: (30 cr)

  • *CEM 151 General and Descriptive Chemistry 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • MTH 235 Differential Equations 3 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr

*College Admission Requirement

3. Major Requirements: (64-66 cr)

a. Complete all of the following courses: (44 cr)
  • BE 101 Introduction to Biosystems Engineering 1 cr
  • BE 201 Drafting in Biosystems Engineering 1 cr
  • BE 230 Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems 3 cr
  • BE 332 Engineering Properties of Biological Materials 3 cr
  • BE 334 Biosystems Engineering Laboratory Practice (W) 3 cr
  • BE 350 Heat and Mass Transfer in Biosystems 3 cr
  • BE 351 Thermodynamics for Biological Engineering 3 cr
  • BE 360 Microbial Systems Engineering 3 cr
  • BE 385 Engineering Design and Optimization for Biological Sys 3 cr
  • BE 485 Biosystems Design Techniques (W) 3 cr
  • BE 487 Biosystems Design Project 3 cr
  • BS 162 Organismal and Population Biology 3 cr
  • CE 221 Statics 3 cr
  • CE 321 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 4 cr
  • CEM 143 Survey of Organic Chemistry 4 cr
  • CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr

b. Select one of the following courses: (2 cr)

  • BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2 cr
  • BS 172 Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory 2 cr

c. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • IBIO 341 Fundamental Genetics 4 cr
  • IBIO 355 Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 301 Introductory Microbiology 3 cr
  • PLB 301 Introductory Plant Physiology 3 cr
  • PSL 250 Introductory Physiology 4 cr

d. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 451 Biotechnology Apps for Plant Breeding and Genetics 3 cr
  • FOR 406 Applied Forest Ecology: Silviculture 3 cr
  • FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3 cr
  • PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 4 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

e. Select four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • BE 444 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3 cr
  • BE 449 Human Health Risk Analysis for Eng Controls 3 cr
  • BE 456 Electric Power and Control 3 cr
  • BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3 cr
  • BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3 cr
  • BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3 cr
  • BE 481 Water Resources Systems Analysis and Modeling 3 cr
  • BE 482 Engineering Ecological Treatment Systems 3 cr
  • BE 484 Water Resource Recovery Engineering 3 cr
  • CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3 cr

Optional Concentrations

The department offers concentrations for students who wish to focus on a specific application area in the discipline. The concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Biosystems Engineering. Courses completed to satisfy requirement 3. above may also be used to satisfy
the requirements of a concentration. The concentration will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Bioenergy and Bioproduct Engineering Concentration: (15-17 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a bioenergy and bioproduct engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3 cr
  • CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3 cr
  • CSS 467 Bioenergy Feedstock Production 3 cr

2. Two of the following courses: (6-8 cr):

  • CHE 481 Biochemical Engineering 3 cr
  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 451 Biotechnology Apps for Plant Breeding and Genetics 3 cr
  • FOR 406 Applied Forest Ecology: Silviculture 3 cr
  • FOR 427 Biomass and Bioproducts Chemistry 3 cr
  • FOR 466 Natural Resource Policy 3 cr
  • FW 444 Conservation Biology 3 cr
  • GLG 435 Geomicrobiology 4 cr
  • MC 450 International Environmental Law and Policy 3 cr
  • ME 417 Design of Alternative Energy Systems 3 cr
  • ME 422 Introduction to Combustion 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3 cr
  • PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 4 cr

Biomedical Engineering Concentration: (14-15 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a biomedical engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • BE 444 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3 cr
  • BE 449 Human Health Risk Analysis for Eng Controls 3 cr

2. One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

3. Two of the following: (5-6 cr)

  • BE 440 Entrepreneurial Eng for Innovation in Health and Safety 3 cr
  • BLD 204 Mechanisms of Disease 3 cr
  • BLD 313 Quality in Clinical Laboratory Practice 3 cr
  • BLD 430 Molecular Diagnostics 2 cr
  • BLD 434 Clinical Immunology 3 cr
  • ECE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3 cr
  • ME 494 Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3 cr
  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • PLB 400 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

Courses used to fulfill requirement 2 in this concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 3 in this concentration.

Ecosystems Engineering Concentration: (14-15 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with an ecosystems engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 481 Water Resources Systems Analysis and Modeling 3 cr
  • BE 482 Engineering Ecological Treatment Systems 3 cr
  • BE 484 Water Resource Recovery Engineering 3 cr

2. One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr

3. Two of the following courses: (5-6 cr)

  • CSS 210 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3 cr
  • CSS 330 Soil Chemistry 2 cr
  • CSS 360 Soil Biology 3 cr
  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 455 Environmental Pollutants in Soil and Water 3 cr
  • ENE 422 Applied Hydraulics 3 cr
  • FOR 340 Forest Ecology 3 cr
  • FW 417 Wetland Ecology and Management 3 cr
  • FW 420 Stream Ecology 3 cr
  • FW 444 Conservation Biology 3 cr
  • GEO 402 Agricultural Climatology 3 cr
  • MC 450 International Environmental Law and Policy 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • PLB 418 Plant Systematics 3 cr
  • PLB 443 Restoration Ecology 3 cr

Courses used to fulfill requirement 2 cr in this concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 3 cr in this concentration.

Food Engineering Concentration: (15-16 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a food engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3 cr
  • BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3 cr
  • FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3 cr

Two of the following courses, one of which must be at the 400-level: (6-7 cr)

  • BMB 200 Introduction to Biochemistry 4 cr
  • FSC 211 Principles of Food Science 3 cr
  • FSC 401 Food Chemistry 3 cr
  • FSC 430 Food Processing: Fruits and Vegetables 3 cr
  • FSC 431 Food Processing: Cereals 3 cr
  • FSC 432 Food Processing: Dairy Foods 3 cr
  • FSC 433 Food Processing: Muscle Foods 3 cr

Other Electives (Variable)

Total Credits Required for Degree 128

These requirements are effective for students admitted to the Biosystems Engineering major beginning Fall 2023. The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.


First Year

Fall Credits Spring  Credits 
BE 101 BS 161 
CEM 151 EGR 102 
CEM 161  ISS 2XX 
EGR 100  MTH 133 
MTH 132  PHY 183 
WRA 101     
Total  15  Total  17 


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
 BE 201 CEM 143 
BS 162  BE 230 
IAH 201-210  CE 221 
MTH 234  MTH 235 
PHY 184  IAH 211 or > 
BE Choice B     
Total 18 Total 17


Junior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
BE 332  BE 350 
CE 321  BE 360 
BE 351  BE 385 
BE 334  BE Choice C  3-4 
ISS 3XX  Elective 
Total  17  Total  15-16 


Senior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits 
BE 485  BE 487 
BE Choice D  3-4  BE Choice E 
BE Choice E  BE Choice E 
BE Choice E  Elective 
Elective  Elective 
Total  15-16  Total  14 

Program Objectives 

Graduates of the MSU Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Program are expected to succeed in diverse careers where they integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. MSU Biosystems Engineering graduates are expected to attain that success by:

  • identifying and solving problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and the systems approach;
  • analyzing, designing, and controlling components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components; and
  • demonstrating vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct.

Objectives and Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the MSU Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Program are expected to succeed in diverse careers where they integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. MSU Biosystems Engineering graduates are expected to attain that success by:

  • identifying and solving problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and the systems approach;
  • analyzing, designing, and controlling components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components; and
  • demonstrating vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross-disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct.
  • working inclusively and equitably in diverse, cross-disciplinary environments towards sustainable solutions.

Updated and approved by the Biosystems Engineering faculty (June 2022) the Biosystems Engineering Industry Advisory Board (June 2022), and the Biosystems Engineering Student Group (pending Fall 2022).

Student Outcomes

Upon completion of the B.S. in Biosystems Engineering, students will have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
  8. an ability to understand the interface between biology and engineering
  9. an ability to apply systems concepts and develop models  

More Info

Biosystems Engineering: Meeting the Needs of Humankind, Sustainably

Combining biology with engineering, biosystems engineers work in critical areas such as bioenergy, food safety, ecosystems protection, and human health.

Biosystems engineering integrates biology with engineering principles to address complex issues in areas such as bioenergy, ecosystems protection, food safety and biosecurity, and human health. Biosystems engineers are responsible for designing resourceful solutions to technical problems involving biological components. For example, they design systems to transform biological waste products from ecological hazards to bio-based energy solutions. They also design sensors and processes to detect and/or eliminate human pathogens from food products. Potential employers include food processing companies, pharmaceutical/health companies, environmental consulting firms, bioenergy companies, and government agencies.

Program Details

BAE bs degree page

Interested in a Biosystems Engineering degree? 

The Biosystems Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Biological and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission Logo


  • Fall 2024 – 197
  • Fall 2023 – 190
  • Fall 2022 – 200
  • Fall 2021 – 196
  • Fall 2020 – 214

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 36
  • 2022-2023 – 49
  • 2021-2022 – 46
  • 2020-2021 – 47
  • 2019-2020 – 31



1. University Requirements: (23 Credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities, IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or> 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences, ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX 8 cr
  • Bioscience: BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr

2. College Requirements: (30 cr)

  • *CEM 151 General and Descriptive Chemistry 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • MTH 235 Differential Equations 3 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr

*College Admission Requirement

3. Major Requirements: (64-66 cr)

a. Complete all of the following courses: (44 cr)
  • BE 101 Introduction to Biosystems Engineering 1 cr
  • BE 201 Drafting in Biosystems Engineering 1 cr
  • BE 230 Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems 3 cr
  • BE 332 Engineering Properties of Biological Materials 3 cr
  • BE 334 Biosystems Engineering Laboratory Practice (W) 3 cr
  • BE 350 Heat and Mass Transfer in Biosystems 3 cr
  • BE 351 Thermodynamics for Biological Engineering 3 cr
  • BE 360 Microbial Systems Engineering 3 cr
  • BE 385 Engineering Design and Optimization for Biological Sys 3 cr
  • BE 485 Biosystems Design Techniques (W) 3 cr
  • BE 487 Biosystems Design Project 3 cr
  • BS 162 Organismal and Population Biology 3 cr
  • CE 221 Statics 3 cr
  • CE 321 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 4 cr
  • CEM 143 Survey of Organic Chemistry 4 cr
  • CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr

b. Select one of the following courses: (2 cr)

  • BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2 cr
  • BS 172 Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory 2 cr

c. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • IBIO 341 Fundamental Genetics 4 cr
  • IBIO 355 Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 301 Introductory Microbiology 3 cr
  • PLB 301 Introductory Plant Physiology 3 cr
  • PSL 250 Introductory Physiology 4 cr

d. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 451 Biotechnology Apps for Plant Breeding and Genetics 3 cr
  • FOR 406 Applied Forest Ecology: Silviculture 3 cr
  • FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3 cr
  • PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 4 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

e. Select four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • BE 444 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3 cr
  • BE 449 Human Health Risk Analysis for Eng Controls 3 cr
  • BE 456 Electric Power and Control 3 cr
  • BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3 cr
  • BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3 cr
  • BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3 cr
  • BE 481 Water Resources Systems Analysis and Modeling 3 cr
  • BE 482 Engineering Ecological Treatment Systems 3 cr
  • BE 484 Water Resource Recovery Engineering 3 cr
  • CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3 cr

Optional Concentrations

The department offers concentrations for students who wish to focus on a specific application area in the discipline. The concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Biosystems Engineering. Courses completed to satisfy requirement 3. above may also be used to satisfy
the requirements of a concentration. The concentration will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Bioenergy and Bioproduct Engineering Concentration: (15-17 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a bioenergy and bioproduct engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3 cr
  • CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3 cr
  • CSS 467 Bioenergy Feedstock Production 3 cr

2. Two of the following courses: (6-8 cr):

  • CHE 481 Biochemical Engineering 3 cr
  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 451 Biotechnology Apps for Plant Breeding and Genetics 3 cr
  • FOR 406 Applied Forest Ecology: Silviculture 3 cr
  • FOR 427 Biomass and Bioproducts Chemistry 3 cr
  • FOR 466 Natural Resource Policy 3 cr
  • FW 444 Conservation Biology 3 cr
  • GLG 435 Geomicrobiology 4 cr
  • MC 450 International Environmental Law and Policy 3 cr
  • ME 417 Design of Alternative Energy Systems 3 cr
  • ME 422 Introduction to Combustion 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3 cr
  • PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 4 cr

Biomedical Engineering Concentration: (14-15 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a biomedical engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • BE 444 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3 cr
  • BE 449 Human Health Risk Analysis for Eng Controls 3 cr

2. One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

3. Two of the following: (5-6 cr)

  • BE 440 Entrepreneurial Eng for Innovation in Health and Safety 3 cr
  • BLD 204 Mechanisms of Disease 3 cr
  • BLD 313 Quality in Clinical Laboratory Practice 3 cr
  • BLD 430 Molecular Diagnostics 2 cr
  • BLD 434 Clinical Immunology 3 cr
  • ECE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3 cr
  • ME 494 Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3 cr
  • MMG 365 Medical Microbiology 3 cr
  • MMG 404 Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • PLB 400 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 cr
  • PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3 cr

Courses used to fulfill requirement 2 in this concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 3 in this concentration.

Ecosystems Engineering Concentration: (14-15 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with an ecosystems engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

1. All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 481 Water Resources Systems Analysis and Modeling 3 cr
  • BE 482 Engineering Ecological Treatment Systems 3 cr
  • BE 484 Water Resource Recovery Engineering 3 cr

2. One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr

3. Two of the following courses: (5-6 cr)

  • CSS 210 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3 cr
  • CSS 330 Soil Chemistry 2 cr
  • CSS 360 Soil Biology 3 cr
  • CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3 cr
  • CSS 455 Environmental Pollutants in Soil and Water 3 cr
  • ENE 422 Applied Hydraulics 3 cr
  • FOR 340 Forest Ecology 3 cr
  • FW 417 Wetland Ecology and Management 3 cr
  • FW 420 Stream Ecology 3 cr
  • FW 444 Conservation Biology 3 cr
  • GEO 402 Agricultural Climatology 3 cr
  • MC 450 International Environmental Law and Policy 3 cr
  • MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3 cr
  • PLB 418 Plant Systematics 3 cr
  • PLB 443 Restoration Ecology 3 cr

Courses used to fulfill requirement 2 cr in this concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 3 cr in this concentration.

Food Engineering Concentration: (15-16 cr)

To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering with a food engineering concentration, students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:

All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3 cr
  • BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3 cr
  • FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3 cr

Two of the following courses, one of which must be at the 400-level: (6-7 cr)

  • BMB 200 Introduction to Biochemistry 4 cr
  • FSC 211 Principles of Food Science 3 cr
  • FSC 401 Food Chemistry 3 cr
  • FSC 430 Food Processing: Fruits and Vegetables 3 cr
  • FSC 431 Food Processing: Cereals 3 cr
  • FSC 432 Food Processing: Dairy Foods 3 cr
  • FSC 433 Food Processing: Muscle Foods 3 cr

Other Electives (Variable)

Total Credits Required for Degree 128

These requirements are effective for students admitted to the Biosystems Engineering major beginning Fall 2023. The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.


First Year

Fall Credits Spring  Credits 
BE 101 BS 161 
CEM 151 EGR 102 
CEM 161  ISS 2XX 
EGR 100  MTH 133 
MTH 132  PHY 183 
WRA 101     
Total  15  Total  17 


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
 BE 201 CEM 143 
BS 162  BE 230 
IAH 201-210  CE 221 
MTH 234  MTH 235 
PHY 184  IAH 211 or > 
BE Choice B     
Total 18 Total 17


Junior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
BE 332  BE 350 
CE 321  BE 360 
BE 351  BE 385 
BE 334  BE Choice C  3-4 
ISS 3XX  Elective 
Total  17  Total  15-16 


Senior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits 
BE 485  BE 487 
BE Choice D  3-4  BE Choice E 
BE Choice E  BE Choice E 
BE Choice E  Elective 
Elective  Elective 
Total  15-16  Total  14 

Program Objectives 

Graduates of the MSU Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Program are expected to succeed in diverse careers where they integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. MSU Biosystems Engineering graduates are expected to attain that success by:

  • identifying and solving problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and the systems approach;
  • analyzing, designing, and controlling components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components; and
  • demonstrating vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct.

Objectives and Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the MSU Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Program are expected to succeed in diverse careers where they integrate and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. MSU Biosystems Engineering graduates are expected to attain that success by:

  • identifying and solving problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and the systems approach;
  • analyzing, designing, and controlling components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components; and
  • demonstrating vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross-disciplinary teams, and a commitment to sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct.
  • working inclusively and equitably in diverse, cross-disciplinary environments towards sustainable solutions.

Updated and approved by the Biosystems Engineering faculty (June 2022) the Biosystems Engineering Industry Advisory Board (June 2022), and the Biosystems Engineering Student Group (pending Fall 2022).

Student Outcomes

Upon completion of the B.S. in Biosystems Engineering, students will have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
  8. an ability to understand the interface between biology and engineering
  9. an ability to apply systems concepts and develop models  

More Info

Biosystems Engineering: Meeting the Needs of Humankind, Sustainably

Combining biology with engineering, biosystems engineers work in critical areas such as bioenergy, food safety, ecosystems protection, and human health.

Biosystems engineering integrates biology with engineering principles to address complex issues in areas such as bioenergy, ecosystems protection, food safety and biosecurity, and human health. Biosystems engineers are responsible for designing resourceful solutions to technical problems involving biological components. For example, they design systems to transform biological waste products from ecological hazards to bio-based energy solutions. They also design sensors and processes to detect and/or eliminate human pathogens from food products. Potential employers include food processing companies, pharmaceutical/health companies, environmental consulting firms, bioenergy companies, and government agencies.

Additional College Information