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Computer Science

Bachelor of Science

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Program Details

Professor Jason Smith helping his students on the computer during the EGR 102 class


Interested in a Computer Science Degree?

The Computer Science (B.S.) program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs.

ABET Computing Accreditation Commission Logo



  • Fall 2024 – 1,965
  • Fall 2023 – 2,087
  • Fall 2022 – 1,881
  • Fall 2021 – 1,628
  • Fall 2020 – 1,677

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 119
  • 2022-2023 – 334
  • 2021-2022 – 240
  • 2020-2021 – 241
  • 2019-2020 – 275



1. University Requirements: (20 Credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities (IAH)
    IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or > 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences (ISS) 8 cr
    • ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX
    • Bioscience (See 3A Below)

2. College Requirements: (25 cr)

  • *CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr

* College Admission Requirement

3. Major Requirements: (65-67 cr)

a. Bioscience: (4-6 cr)

Select one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2.

Group 1

  • **BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr
  • ENT 205 Pests, Society and Environment 3 cr
  • IBIO 150 Integrating Biology: From DNA to Populations 3 cr
  • MMG 141 Introductory Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MMG 201 Fundamentals of Microbiology 3 cr
  • PLB 105 Plant Biology 3 cr
  • PSL 250 Introductory Physiology 4 cr

Group 2

  • BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2 cr
  • **CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr
  • CEM 162 Chemistry Laboratory II 1 cr
  • PHY 191 Physics Laboratory for Scientists I 1 cr
  • PHY 192 Physics Laboratory for Scientists II 1 cr
  • PLB 106 Plant Biology Laboratory 1 cr

b. Complete all of the following: (32 cr)

  • CSE 232 Introduction to Programming II 4 cr
  • CSE 260 Discrete Structures in Computer Science 4 cr
  • CSE 300 Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computing 1 cr
  • CSE 320 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 325 Computer Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 331 Algorithms and Data Structures 3 cr
  • CSE 335 Object-Oriented Software Design 4 cr
  • CSE 380 Information Mgt and the Cloud 3 cr
  • CSE 498 Collaborative Design (W) 4 cr
  • STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3 cr

Students must have a minimum grade-point of 2.0 in each of the following courses: CSE 300, CSE 320, CSE 325, CSE 331, CSE 335, CSE 380

 **These courses may have prerequisites, which are not otherwise required in the program. Students should check course descriptions to ensure they are aware of prerequisites.

c. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • MTH 314 Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications 3 cr
  • MTH 317H Honors Linear Algebra 4 cr

d. Select five of the following courses: (15 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics and Pattern Recognition 3 cr
  • CSE 404 Intro to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 415 Parallel Programming 3 cr
  • CSE 420 Computer Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr
  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 435 Software Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 450 Translation of Programming Languages 3 cr
  • CSE 460 Computability and Formal Language Theory 3 cr
  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • CSE 491 Selected Topics in Computer Science 1-4 cr
  • MTH 451 Numerical Analysis I 3 cr

e. Required Cognate: (12 cr)

Cognates in the following areas are available to students in Computer Science: business, communication arts and sciences, foreign language, mathematics, the natural sciences, philosophy, psychology, the social sciences, and telecommunication. Students may complete cognates in other areas with the approval of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering academic advisor. The cognate should enhance the student’s ability to apply analytical procedures in a specific subject area.

The cognate requires a minimum of four courses totaling 12 or more credits outside the College of Engineering selected from (1), (2), or (3) below. The academic advisor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering must pre-approve both the cognate and the cognate courses.

Cognate 1: A minimum of four courses totaling 12 or more credits outside the College of Engineering. At least 6 of the 12 credits must be in courses at the 300-400 level.

Cognate 2: Cognate in The Eli Broad College of Business consisting of this specific set of courses: ACC 230, FI 320, GBL 323 and MKT 327.

Cognate 3: A sequence of at least three courses in a foreign language totaling at least 12 credits.

Concentrations in Computer Science

The Department offers the following concentrations to students wishing an area of specialization in their degree. The concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Science. NOTE: Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a concentration may require more than 120 credits. Upon completion of the required courses for a concentration, certification will appear on the student’s official transcript. Students may select no more than one concentration.

For any concentration, 3 credits of CSE 499 Undergraduate Research related to the subject area may be applied with approval of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Artificial Intelligence

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with an artificial intelligence concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr

Three of the following courses not taken above: (9-12 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics and Pattern Recognition 3 cr
  • CSE 404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • CSE 803 Computer Vision 3 cr
  • ADV 401 Neuromarketing and Consumer Decisions 3 cr
  • LIN 401 Introduction to Linguistics 4 cr
  • LIN 424 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology 3 cr
  • LIN 427 Laboratory Phonetics 3 cr
  • LIN 431 Introduction to Morphology 3 cr
  • LIN 434 Introduction to Syntax 3 cr
  • LIN 437 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics 3 cr
  • LIN 463 Introduction to Cognitive Science 3 cr
  • LIN 471 Sociolinguistics 3 cr
  • MI 484 Human Robot Interaction 3 cr
  • MTH 468 Predictive Analysis 3 cr
  • NEU 301 Introduction to Neuroscience I 3 cr
  • NEU 302 Introduction to Neuroscience II 3 cr
  • PHL 330 Formal Reasoning 4 cr
  • PHL 331 Formal Practical Reasoning 4 cr
  • PHL 432 Logic and its Metatheory 4 cr
  • PSY 301 Cognitive Neuroscience 3 cr

Computer Systems

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a computer systems concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 450 Translation of Programming Languages 3 cr

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 415 Parallel Programming 3 cr
  • CSE 420 Computer Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr


To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a cybersecurity concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

All of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr

Three of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • MI 239 Digital Footprints: Privacy and Online Behavior 3 cr
  • MTH 416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3 cr

Software Engineering

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a software engineering concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

The following course: (3 cr)

  • CSE 435 Software Engineering 3 cr

Four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Dev 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture & Dev 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 870 Advanced Software Engineering 3 cr
  • MI 350 Evaluating Human-Centered Tech 3 cr
  • MI 420 Interactive Prototyping 3 cr
  • MI 450 Creating Human-Centered Tech 3 cr

Multimedia and Graphics

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a multimedia and graphics concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr

Three of the following courses not taken above: (8-9 cr)

  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr
  • CSE 803 Computer Vision 3 cr
  • CMSE 402 Data Visualization Principles and Techniques 3 cr
  • FLM 230 Introduction to Film 3 cr
  • FLM 260 Introduction to Digital Film and Emergent Media 3 cr
  • MI 231 Game and Interactive Media Development 3 cr
  • MI 247 Three-Dimensional Graphics and Design 3 cr
  • MI 337 Compositing and Special Effects 3 cr
  • MI 347 Advanced Three-Dimensional Computer Animation 3 cr
  • MI 350 Evaluating Human-Centered Technology 3 cr
  • MI 377 Advanced 3D Modeling 3 cr
  • MI 445 Game Design and Development I 3 cr
  • MI 450 Creating Human-Centered Technology 3 cr
  • MI 455 Game Design and Development II 3 cr
  • MI 462 Social Media & Social Computing 3 cr
  • MI 482 Building Virtual Worlds 3 cr
  • MI 497 Game Design Studio 3 cr
  • STA 380 Electronic Art 3 cr
  • STA 384 Experiments in Digital Video 3 cr
  • THR 205 Media Acting I 2 cr
  • THR 419 Projection Design for Live Performance 3 cr


To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a theory concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

The following course: (3 cr)

  • CSE 460 Computability and Formal Language Theory 3 cr

One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 830 Design and Theory of Algorithms 3 cr

Three of the following courses: (9-10 cr)

  • CSE 835 Algorithmic Graph Theory 3 cr
  • CSE 860 Foundations of Computing 3 cr
  • MTH 299 Transitions 4 cr
  • MTH 416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3 cr
  • MTH 417 Topics in Number Theory 3 cr
  • MTH 880 Combinatorics I 3 cr
  • MTH 882 Combinatorics II 3 cr

Other Electives (Variable)

Total Credits Required for Degree 120

The requirements listed above apply to students admitted to the major of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering beginning Fall 2024. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.

Sample Program

First Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
Elect/Cognate CSE 231
PHY 183 4 EGR 100
MTH 132 MTH 133 
 ISS 2XX 4 WRA 101
 Total 14  Total  14


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
CSE 232 4 CSE 300 1
CSE 260 4 CSE 320 3
Elect/Cognate CSE 331 3
IAH 201-210 MTH 234 4

Total  15  Total  15


Junior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
CSE 335 4 CSE 325 3
CSE 380 CSE 4XX 3
Bioscience 3 CSE 4XX 3
MTH 314 3 STT 351 3
Elect/Cognate Elect/Cognate
Total  16 Total  15


Senior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
IAH 211 or >  4 Elect/Cognate  3
PHY 184  4 Elect/Cognate  3
CSE 4XX  3 Elect/Cognate  3
CSE 4XX  3 CSE 4XX  3
Bioscience Lab  1 CSE 498  4
 Total  15  Total  16

Program Educational Objectives 

A graduate of the MSU Computer Science Program is prepared to be

  • successful in a computing-related profession, or
  • successful in graduate study.

To achieve these objectives the department prepares students in the application of fundamental computing principles and software development skills. This preparation includes the design and implementation of systems that solve complex problems. Our graduates will be trained in teamwork, effective communication, professionalism, ethics, and the engagement of learning and applying new ideas and technologies as the field evolves.

Objectives and Outcomes

Computer Science Program Objectives

The MSU Computer Science program prepares students in the application of fundamental computing principles and software development skills. This preparation includes the design and implementation of systems that solve complex problems. Our graduates are trained in teamwork, effective communication, professionalism, and ethics. They are inspired to be lifelong learners and technology practitioners.

As a result of this preparation, a graduate of the MSU Computer Science Program will be:

  • A thoughtful practitioner, well versed in the theory and practice of computing.
  • Successful in a computing-related profession or graduate study.

The Computer Science Program Objectives were adopted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum Committee in Fall, 2021 replacing the previous version, and were affirmed by the full faculty at the March 25, 2022 faculty meeting.


Computer Science Student Outcomes

Graduates of the program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

The Computer Science Program Student Outcomes were adopted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum Committee in Fall, 2018, replacing the previous version, and were affirmed by the full faculty at the September 28, 2018 faculty meeting.

More Info

What Do Computer Scientists Do?

Computers have permeated nearly all areas of human activity and there is a rapidly increasing demand for Computer Scientists to make them effective, efficient, and entertaining. There is an ever-growing range of opportunities for software engineering, hardware design, systems analysis and design, network and communications engineering, database design and development, graphics and image processing, technical consulting, and marketing. The Computer Science program prepares students for careers developing the systems of tomorrow, from embedded systems in automobiles to desktop applications to mobile devices and the World Wide Web. Virtually all aspects of the human experience are touched by the work our graduates do.


Is There a High Demand for Computer Scientists?

The opportunities for Computer Scientists are vast. Starting salaries are consistently in the top ten for all Bachelor’s degrees. A diverse range of businesses are seeking qualified graduates including:

  • Online companies such as, Hulu, Netflix, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Computer technology companies such as Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, and Google
  • Media companies such as Disney, ESPN, Time-Warner, and DirectTV
  • Mobile app developers such as Uber, Slacker Radio, and Spotify
  • Service businesses ranging from insurance to finance
  • Product designers and manufacturers such as General Electric, Hershey, Ford, Marathon Oil, Boeing

Companies Recently Hiring our Computer Science Graduates Include:

  • Microsoft
  • Bloomberg
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • General Motors
  • TechSmith
  • Apple
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Auto-Owners Insurance
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Groupon
  • Barracuda Networks
  • Gracenote
  • Mozilla

Program Details

Professor Jason Smith helping his students on the computer during the EGR 102 class


Interested in a Computer Science Degree?

The Computer Science (B.S.) program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs.

ABET Computing Accreditation Commission Logo



  • Fall 2024 – 1,965
  • Fall 2023 – 2,087
  • Fall 2022 – 1,881
  • Fall 2021 – 1,628
  • Fall 2020 – 1,677

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 119
  • 2022-2023 – 334
  • 2021-2022 – 240
  • 2020-2021 – 241
  • 2019-2020 – 275



1. University Requirements: (20 Credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities (IAH)
    IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or > 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences (ISS) 8 cr
    • ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX
    • Bioscience (See 3A Below)

2. College Requirements: (25 cr)

  • *CSE 231 Introduction to Programming I 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr

* College Admission Requirement

3. Major Requirements: (65-67 cr)

a. Bioscience: (4-6 cr)

Select one course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2.

Group 1

  • **BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr
  • ENT 205 Pests, Society and Environment 3 cr
  • IBIO 150 Integrating Biology: From DNA to Populations 3 cr
  • MMG 141 Introductory Human Genetics 3 cr
  • MMG 201 Fundamentals of Microbiology 3 cr
  • PLB 105 Plant Biology 3 cr
  • PSL 250 Introductory Physiology 4 cr

Group 2

  • BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2 cr
  • **CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr
  • CEM 162 Chemistry Laboratory II 1 cr
  • PHY 191 Physics Laboratory for Scientists I 1 cr
  • PHY 192 Physics Laboratory for Scientists II 1 cr
  • PLB 106 Plant Biology Laboratory 1 cr

b. Complete all of the following: (32 cr)

  • CSE 232 Introduction to Programming II 4 cr
  • CSE 260 Discrete Structures in Computer Science 4 cr
  • CSE 300 Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computing 1 cr
  • CSE 320 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 325 Computer Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 331 Algorithms and Data Structures 3 cr
  • CSE 335 Object-Oriented Software Design 4 cr
  • CSE 380 Information Mgt and the Cloud 3 cr
  • CSE 498 Collaborative Design (W) 4 cr
  • STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3 cr

Students must have a minimum grade-point of 2.0 in each of the following courses: CSE 300, CSE 320, CSE 325, CSE 331, CSE 335, CSE 380

 **These courses may have prerequisites, which are not otherwise required in the program. Students should check course descriptions to ensure they are aware of prerequisites.

c. Select one of the following courses: (3-4 cr)

  • MTH 314 Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications 3 cr
  • MTH 317H Honors Linear Algebra 4 cr

d. Select five of the following courses: (15 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics and Pattern Recognition 3 cr
  • CSE 404 Intro to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 415 Parallel Programming 3 cr
  • CSE 420 Computer Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr
  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 435 Software Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 450 Translation of Programming Languages 3 cr
  • CSE 460 Computability and Formal Language Theory 3 cr
  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • CSE 491 Selected Topics in Computer Science 1-4 cr
  • MTH 451 Numerical Analysis I 3 cr

e. Required Cognate: (12 cr)

Cognates in the following areas are available to students in Computer Science: business, communication arts and sciences, foreign language, mathematics, the natural sciences, philosophy, psychology, the social sciences, and telecommunication. Students may complete cognates in other areas with the approval of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering academic advisor. The cognate should enhance the student’s ability to apply analytical procedures in a specific subject area.

The cognate requires a minimum of four courses totaling 12 or more credits outside the College of Engineering selected from (1), (2), or (3) below. The academic advisor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering must pre-approve both the cognate and the cognate courses.

Cognate 1: A minimum of four courses totaling 12 or more credits outside the College of Engineering. At least 6 of the 12 credits must be in courses at the 300-400 level.

Cognate 2: Cognate in The Eli Broad College of Business consisting of this specific set of courses: ACC 230, FI 320, GBL 323 and MKT 327.

Cognate 3: A sequence of at least three courses in a foreign language totaling at least 12 credits.

Concentrations in Computer Science

The Department offers the following concentrations to students wishing an area of specialization in their degree. The concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Science. NOTE: Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a concentration may require more than 120 credits. Upon completion of the required courses for a concentration, certification will appear on the student’s official transcript. Students may select no more than one concentration.

For any concentration, 3 credits of CSE 499 Undergraduate Research related to the subject area may be applied with approval of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Artificial Intelligence

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with an artificial intelligence concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr

Three of the following courses not taken above: (9-12 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics and Pattern Recognition 3 cr
  • CSE 404 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 440 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • CSE 803 Computer Vision 3 cr
  • ADV 401 Neuromarketing and Consumer Decisions 3 cr
  • LIN 401 Introduction to Linguistics 4 cr
  • LIN 424 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology 3 cr
  • LIN 427 Laboratory Phonetics 3 cr
  • LIN 431 Introduction to Morphology 3 cr
  • LIN 434 Introduction to Syntax 3 cr
  • LIN 437 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics 3 cr
  • LIN 463 Introduction to Cognitive Science 3 cr
  • LIN 471 Sociolinguistics 3 cr
  • MI 484 Human Robot Interaction 3 cr
  • MTH 468 Predictive Analysis 3 cr
  • NEU 301 Introduction to Neuroscience I 3 cr
  • NEU 302 Introduction to Neuroscience II 3 cr
  • PHL 330 Formal Reasoning 4 cr
  • PHL 331 Formal Practical Reasoning 4 cr
  • PHL 432 Logic and its Metatheory 4 cr
  • PSY 301 Cognitive Neuroscience 3 cr

Computer Systems

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a computer systems concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

All of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 450 Translation of Programming Languages 3 cr

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 415 Parallel Programming 3 cr
  • CSE 420 Computer Architecture 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr


To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a cybersecurity concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

All of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 402 Biometrics 3 cr
  • CSE 425 Introduction to Computer Security 3 cr

Three of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • CSE 410 Operating Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 422 Computer Networks 3 cr
  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 434 Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 482 Big Data Analysis 3 cr
  • MI 239 Digital Footprints: Privacy and Online Behavior 3 cr
  • MTH 416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3 cr

Software Engineering

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a software engineering concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

The following course: (3 cr)

  • CSE 435 Software Engineering 3 cr

Four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Dev 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture & Dev 3 cr
  • CSE 480 Database Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 870 Advanced Software Engineering 3 cr
  • MI 350 Evaluating Human-Centered Tech 3 cr
  • MI 420 Interactive Prototyping 3 cr
  • MI 450 Creating Human-Centered Tech 3 cr

Multimedia and Graphics

To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a multimedia and graphics concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

Two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr

Three of the following courses not taken above: (8-9 cr)

  • CSE 471 Media Processing and Multimedia Computing 3 cr
  • CSE 472 Computer Graphics 3 cr
  • CSE 476 Mobile Application Development 3 cr
  • CSE 477 Web Application Architecture and Development 3 cr
  • CSE 803 Computer Vision 3 cr
  • CMSE 402 Data Visualization Principles and Techniques 3 cr
  • FLM 230 Introduction to Film 3 cr
  • FLM 260 Introduction to Digital Film and Emergent Media 3 cr
  • MI 231 Game and Interactive Media Development 3 cr
  • MI 247 Three-Dimensional Graphics and Design 3 cr
  • MI 337 Compositing and Special Effects 3 cr
  • MI 347 Advanced Three-Dimensional Computer Animation 3 cr
  • MI 350 Evaluating Human-Centered Technology 3 cr
  • MI 377 Advanced 3D Modeling 3 cr
  • MI 445 Game Design and Development I 3 cr
  • MI 450 Creating Human-Centered Technology 3 cr
  • MI 455 Game Design and Development II 3 cr
  • MI 462 Social Media & Social Computing 3 cr
  • MI 482 Building Virtual Worlds 3 cr
  • MI 497 Game Design Studio 3 cr
  • STA 380 Electronic Art 3 cr
  • STA 384 Experiments in Digital Video 3 cr
  • THR 205 Media Acting I 2 cr
  • THR 419 Projection Design for Live Performance 3 cr


To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a theory concentration, students must complete the requirements for the B.S. degree, including the following:

The following course: (3 cr)

  • CSE 460 Computability and Formal Language Theory 3 cr

One of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • CSE 431 Algorithm Engineering 3 cr
  • CSE 830 Design and Theory of Algorithms 3 cr

Three of the following courses: (9-10 cr)

  • CSE 835 Algorithmic Graph Theory 3 cr
  • CSE 860 Foundations of Computing 3 cr
  • MTH 299 Transitions 4 cr
  • MTH 416 Introduction to Algebraic Coding 3 cr
  • MTH 417 Topics in Number Theory 3 cr
  • MTH 880 Combinatorics I 3 cr
  • MTH 882 Combinatorics II 3 cr

Other Electives (Variable)

Total Credits Required for Degree 120

The requirements listed above apply to students admitted to the major of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering beginning Fall 2024. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.

Sample Program

First Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
Elect/Cognate CSE 231
PHY 183 4 EGR 100
MTH 132 MTH 133 
 ISS 2XX 4 WRA 101
 Total 14  Total  14


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
CSE 232 4 CSE 300 1
CSE 260 4 CSE 320 3
Elect/Cognate CSE 331 3
IAH 201-210 MTH 234 4

Total  15  Total  15


Junior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
CSE 335 4 CSE 325 3
CSE 380 CSE 4XX 3
Bioscience 3 CSE 4XX 3
MTH 314 3 STT 351 3
Elect/Cognate Elect/Cognate
Total  16 Total  15


Senior Year

Fall Credits  Spring  Credits 
IAH 211 or >  4 Elect/Cognate  3
PHY 184  4 Elect/Cognate  3
CSE 4XX  3 Elect/Cognate  3
CSE 4XX  3 CSE 4XX  3
Bioscience Lab  1 CSE 498  4
 Total  15  Total  16

Program Educational Objectives 

A graduate of the MSU Computer Science Program is prepared to be

  • successful in a computing-related profession, or
  • successful in graduate study.

To achieve these objectives the department prepares students in the application of fundamental computing principles and software development skills. This preparation includes the design and implementation of systems that solve complex problems. Our graduates will be trained in teamwork, effective communication, professionalism, ethics, and the engagement of learning and applying new ideas and technologies as the field evolves.

Objectives and Outcomes

Computer Science Program Objectives

The MSU Computer Science program prepares students in the application of fundamental computing principles and software development skills. This preparation includes the design and implementation of systems that solve complex problems. Our graduates are trained in teamwork, effective communication, professionalism, and ethics. They are inspired to be lifelong learners and technology practitioners.

As a result of this preparation, a graduate of the MSU Computer Science Program will be:

  • A thoughtful practitioner, well versed in the theory and practice of computing.
  • Successful in a computing-related profession or graduate study.

The Computer Science Program Objectives were adopted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum Committee in Fall, 2021 replacing the previous version, and were affirmed by the full faculty at the March 25, 2022 faculty meeting.


Computer Science Student Outcomes

Graduates of the program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

The Computer Science Program Student Outcomes were adopted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum Committee in Fall, 2018, replacing the previous version, and were affirmed by the full faculty at the September 28, 2018 faculty meeting.

More Info

What Do Computer Scientists Do?

Computers have permeated nearly all areas of human activity and there is a rapidly increasing demand for Computer Scientists to make them effective, efficient, and entertaining. There is an ever-growing range of opportunities for software engineering, hardware design, systems analysis and design, network and communications engineering, database design and development, graphics and image processing, technical consulting, and marketing. The Computer Science program prepares students for careers developing the systems of tomorrow, from embedded systems in automobiles to desktop applications to mobile devices and the World Wide Web. Virtually all aspects of the human experience are touched by the work our graduates do.


Is There a High Demand for Computer Scientists?

The opportunities for Computer Scientists are vast. Starting salaries are consistently in the top ten for all Bachelor’s degrees. A diverse range of businesses are seeking qualified graduates including:

  • Online companies such as, Hulu, Netflix, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Computer technology companies such as Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, and Google
  • Media companies such as Disney, ESPN, Time-Warner, and DirectTV
  • Mobile app developers such as Uber, Slacker Radio, and Spotify
  • Service businesses ranging from insurance to finance
  • Product designers and manufacturers such as General Electric, Hershey, Ford, Marathon Oil, Boeing

Companies Recently Hiring our Computer Science Graduates Include:

  • Microsoft
  • Bloomberg
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • General Motors
  • TechSmith
  • Apple
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Auto-Owners Insurance
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Groupon
  • Barracuda Networks
  • Gracenote
  • Mozilla

Additional College Information