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Materials Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Science

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Program Details

academics program details tab

Interested in a Materials Science and Engineering Degree?

The Material Science and Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Materials, Metallurgical, Ceramics, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.


ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission Logo



  • Fall 2024 – 61
  • Fall 2023  59
  • Fall 2022 – 69
  • Fall 2021 – 79
  • Fall 2020 – 108

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 15
  • 2022-2023  21
  • 2021-2022  20
  • 2020-2021  28
  • 2019-2020 30



1. University Requirements: (23-24 credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities (IAH) IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or > 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences (ISS) ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX 8 cr
  • Bioscience (one of the following):
    • BS 161, ENT 205, IBIO 150, MMG 141,
    • MMG 201, PLB 105, PSL 250 3-4 cr


2. College Requirements: (30 cr)

  • *CEM 151 General and Descriptive Chemistry 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • MTH 235 Differential Equations 3 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr


3. Major Requirements: (62 cr)

a. Complete all of the following: (41 cr) 

  • CE 221 Statics 3 cr
  • CEM 152 Principles of Chemistry 3 cr
  • CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr
  • **ECE 345 Electronic Instrumentation and Systems 3 cr
  • ME 222 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • MSE 250 Materials Science and Engineering 3 cr
  • MSE 260 Electronic, Magnetic, Thermal and Optical 3 cr
    Properties of Materials
  • MSE 310 Phase Equilibria in Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 320 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 331 Materials Characterization Methods I 2 cr
  • MSE 360 Fundamentals of Microstructural Dsgn 3 cr
  • MSE 370 Synthesis and Processing of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 381 Materials Characterization Methods II 2 cr
  • MSE 466 Design and Failure Analysis (W) 3 cr
  • STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3 cr

b. Select four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • MSE 460 Electronic Struct, Bonding in Materials and Devices 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Engr Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Mtulrgy of Ferrous and Alumn Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr

c. Complete at least 6 credits from 400-level courses within the College of Engineering: (6 cr)

d. Technical Electives: (3 cr)

Complete at least 3 credits in courses selected from a list of approved technical electives available from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science


Students may elect to complete a more focused set of courses to enhance their ability to function at the interface with another scientific, engineering, or business discipline. Concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a concentration may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.


Biomedical Materials Engineering Concentration: (25 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills in human biology and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a biomedical materials engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (12 cr)

  • ANTR 350 Human Gross Anatomy for Pre Health Prof 3 cr
  • CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • ME 495 Tissue Mechanics 3 cr
  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr

2. Complete one of the following courses: (4 cr)

  • PSL 250 Introduction to Physiology 4 cr
  • PSL 310 Physiology for Pre-Health Professionals 4 cr

3. Complete two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • MSE 460 Electronic Struct, Bonding in Materials and  Devices 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramics and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alumn Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr

4. Technical Electives: (3 cr)

At least 3 credits from a list of approved technical electives.


Manufacturing Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills with business and design engineers for manufacturing projects and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a manufacturing engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (12 cr)

  • ECE 415 Computer Aided Manufacturing 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr
  • ME 478 Product Development 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr

2. Complete three of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • GBL 323 Introduction to Business Law 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alum Alloys 3 cr


Metallurgical Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To enhance the student’s ability to characterize, process, and design with metals in association with mechanical engineers and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a metallurgical engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (18 cr)

  • ME 423 Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • ME 475 Computer Aided Design of Structures 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alum Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 481 Spectroscopic and Diffraction Analysis of Materials 3 cr

2. Complete one of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • ME 425 Experimental Mechanics 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr


Polymeric Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills to facilitate interactions with chemical engineers and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a polymeric engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (18 cr)

  • CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 252 Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • CE 321 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 3 cr
  • CHE 472 Composite Materials Processing 3 cr
  • CHE 473 Chem Engr Prncpls in Polymrs and Matls Sys 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr

2. Complete the following: (3 cr)

Complete at least 3 credits in courses selected from a list of approved technical electives available from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.

The requirements listed apply to students admitted to the major of Materials Science and Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CHEMS) beginning Fall 2022. The Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.

Some courses may have prerequisites, which are not otherwise required in the program. Students should check course descriptions to ensure they are aware of prerequisites.

* College Admission Requirement

**ECE 302 and ECE 303 may be substituted for ECE 345

Total Credits Required for Degree 128


Freshman Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
CEM 161 1 Elective 1
CEM 151 4 CEM 152


EGR 100 2 EGR 102 2
MTH 132 3 MTH 133 4
WRA 101 4 PHY 183 4
Total 14 Total 14


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
MSE 250 3 Bioscience 3/4
CE 221 3 MSE 260 3
MTH 234 4 ME 222 3
ISS 2XX 4 MTH 235 3
IAH 201-210 4 PHY 184 4
Total 18 Total 16/17


Junior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
Elective 3 Elective 2
MSE 310 3 MSE 360 3
MSE 331 2 MSE 370 3
MSE 320 3 MSE 381 2
Engr 400 Level 3 MSE460/465/477 3
STT 351 3 IAH 211 or > 4
Total 17 Total 17


Senior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
Elective 3 Elective 4
MSE 425/474/476 3 MSE 466 3
MSE 425/474/476 3 MSE 460/465/477 3
ECE 345 3 Engr 400 Level 3
ISS 3** 4 Technical Elective 3
Total 16 Total 16

Program Objectives

The MSE program prepares students to apply their understanding of the processing, application, and sustainable use of engineering materials essential to the realization of new ideas coming from engineers, scientists, enterprises, and society. Our overarching objectives are to equip graduates with the confidence that comes from professionalism, and provide them with the tools needed to contribute meaningfully within any of the diverse professional career paths they may choose.

Since the discipline creates bridges between science and engineering, MSE majors must communicate effectively with people in many different specialties, and work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams. MSE graduates must be aware of the economic, social, and environmental implications entailed in the processing and use of materials, and must have a solid grounding in professional engineering ethics.

The faculty provide a rigorous academic environment so that graduates will have mastered the analytical and technical skills needed to successfully compete as professionals, entrepreneurs, or as postgraduate scholars.

The graduates of the MSE Program will:

  • Achieve success in Materials Science and Engineering or another chosen career;
  • Facilitate success within multidisciplinary environments and advance to leadership roles within their profession and community;
  • Contribute innovatively to their disciplines, economies and society;
  • Compete with confidence for postgraduate education opportunities;
  • Enjoy the benefits of a lifetime of learning and professional development.

Objectives and Outcomes

Program criteria for materials (1), metallurgical (2), ceramics (3) and similarly named engineering programs:

  • (1,2) Lead Society for Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Programs: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
  • (3) Lead Society for Ceramics Engineering Programs: American Ceramic Society
  • (1) Cooperating Societies for Materials Engineering Programs: American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • (2) Cooperating Society for Metallurgical Engineering Programs: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
  • (3) Cooperating Society for Ceramics Engineering Programs: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society These program criteria apply to engineering programs including "materials," "metallurgical," “ceramics,” “glass”, "polymer," “biomaterials,” and similar modifiers in their titles.

The curriculum must prepare graduates:

  • to apply advanced science (such as chemistry, biology and physics), computational techniques and engineering principles to materials systems implied by the program modifier, e.g., ceramics, metals, polymers, biomaterials, composite materials.
  • to integrate the understanding of the scientific and engineering principles underlying the four major elements of the field:
  • structure
  • properties
  • processing
  • performance
  • to apply and integrate knowledge from each of the above four elements of the field using experimental, computational and statistical methods to solve materials problems including selection and design consistent with the program educational objectives.

The faculty expertise for the professional area must encompass the four major elements of the field.


Since the Materials Science and Engineering degree bridges the areas of metals, ceramics and polymers, students may specialize in an area that will enhance their ability to enter particular engineering enterprises, and/or communicate and design with different types of engineers on a multi-disciplinary team by completing of the following concentrations that will appear on their transcript:


  • Biomedical materials engineering

  • Manufacturing engineering

  • Metallurgical engineering

  • Polymeric engineering


For students who do not choose one of the above concentrations, the flexibility of the MSE degree program allows students to take classes from many other departments so that they can deepen their knowledge in complementary areas, such as business, electronic materials, statistics, etc.


Information on the coursework required for the various options, please view the Program description (via MSU Registrar).

Technical Electives

It is possible that other courses can be approved that are not on the list, with review by the MSE Curriculum Committee.

  • *ANTR 350, Human Gross Anatomy for Pre-Health Professionals 3 cr
  • BMB 401, Comprehensive Biochemistry 4 cr
  • BMB 461, Advanced Biochemistry I 3 cr
  • BMB 462, Advanced Biochemistry II 3 cr
  • BMB 471, Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory 3 cr
  • *CEM 251, Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 252, Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • *CEM 351, Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 352, Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • CEM 411, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr
  • CEM 484, Molecular Thermodynamics 3 cr
  • CHE 201, Material and Energy Balances 3 cr
  • CHE 311, Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer 3 cr
  • CHE 472, Composite Materials Processing 3 cr
  • CHE 473, Chemical Engineering Principles in Polymers and Materials Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 231, Introduction to Programming I 4 cr
  • CSE 232, Introduction to Programming II 4 cr
  • CSE 260, Discrete Structures in Computer Science 4 cr
  • ECE 201, Circuits and Systems I 3 cr
  • ECE 202, Circuits and Systems II 3 cr
  • ECE 302, Electronic Circuits 3 cr
  • ECE 474, Principles of Electronic Devices 3 cr
  • ENE 280, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science 3 cr
  • ENE 481, Environmental Chemistry: Equilibrium Concepts 3 cr
  • ME 201, Thermodynamics 3 cr
  • ME 423, Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • ME 425, Experimental Mechanics 3 cr
  • ME 426, Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr
  • ME 481, Mechanical Engineering Design Projects 3 cr
  • *ME 495, Tissue Mechanics 3 cr
  • MMG 301, Introductory Microbiology 3 cr
  • *MSE 425, Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • MSE 465, Design & Application of Engineering Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474, Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476, Physical Metallurgy of Ferrous and Aluminum Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 481, Spectroscopic and Diffraction Analysis of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 490, Independent Study 3 cr
  • MSE 491, Selected Topics 3 cr
  • MSE 499, Senior Research and Design Project (W) 3 cr
  • MTH 309, Linear Algebra I 3 cr
  • MTH 314, Matrix Algebra with Applications 3 cr
  • MTH 320, Analysis I 3 cr
  • MTH 414, Linear Algebra II 3 cr
  • PHM 350, Introductory Human Pharmacology 3 cr
  • PHY 215, Thermodynamics and Modern Physics 3 cr
  • PHY 321, Classical Mechanics I 3 cr
  • PHY 480, Computational Physics 3 cr
  • PSL 250, Introductory Physiology 4 cr
  • PSL 425, Physiological Biophysics 3 cr
  • PSL 431, Human Physiology I 4 cr
  • PSL 432, Human Physiology II 4 cr
  • STT 441, Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3 cr
  • STT 442, Probability and Statistics II: Statistics 3 cr
  • STT 466, Spatial Data Analysis 3 cr
  • *IBIO 341, Fundamental Genetics 4 cr
  • *IBIO 425, Cells and Development 4 cr

*Asterisk signifies courses that CANNOT be used as technical electives if student is completing the Biomedical Materials Engineering Concentration.

More Info

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from physics, chemistry, and engineering to understand and develop materials for various applications. It involves studying the structure, properties, and processing of materials like metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, focusing on their behavior under different conditions. Materials scientists design methods for shaping or synthesizing materials, such as casting or additive manufacturing, while also analyzing how atomic and molecular arrangements affect properties like mechanical, electrical, and thermal performance. Engineers in this field work on material design, research, quality control, failure analysis, and product development across industries such as aerospace, biomedical, and microelectronics.


For career information, visit:

Program Details

academics program details tab

Interested in a Materials Science and Engineering Degree?

The Material Science and Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Materials, Metallurgical, Ceramics, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.


ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission Logo



  • Fall 2024 – 61
  • Fall 2023  59
  • Fall 2022 – 69
  • Fall 2021 – 79
  • Fall 2020 – 108

Degrees Awarded

  • 2023-2024 – 15
  • 2022-2023  21
  • 2021-2022  20
  • 2020-2021  28
  • 2019-2020 30



1. University Requirements: (23-24 credit (cr))

  • Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Humanities (IAH) IAH 201-210 and IAH 211 or > 8 cr
  • Integrative Studies in Social Sciences (ISS) ISS 2XX and ISS 3XX 8 cr
  • Bioscience (one of the following):
    • BS 161, ENT 205, IBIO 150, MMG 141,
    • MMG 201, PLB 105, PSL 250 3-4 cr


2. College Requirements: (30 cr)

  • *CEM 151 General and Descriptive Chemistry 4 cr
  • *EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 cr
  • *EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling 2 cr
  • *MTH 132 Calculus I 3 cr
  • *MTH 133 Calculus II 4 cr
  • MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4 cr
  • MTH 235 Differential Equations 3 cr
  • *PHY 183 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 4 cr
  • PHY 184 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 4 cr


3. Major Requirements: (62 cr)

a. Complete all of the following: (41 cr) 

  • CE 221 Statics 3 cr
  • CEM 152 Principles of Chemistry 3 cr
  • CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1 cr
  • **ECE 345 Electronic Instrumentation and Systems 3 cr
  • ME 222 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • MSE 250 Materials Science and Engineering 3 cr
  • MSE 260 Electronic, Magnetic, Thermal and Optical 3 cr
    Properties of Materials
  • MSE 310 Phase Equilibria in Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 320 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 331 Materials Characterization Methods I 2 cr
  • MSE 360 Fundamentals of Microstructural Dsgn 3 cr
  • MSE 370 Synthesis and Processing of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 381 Materials Characterization Methods II 2 cr
  • MSE 466 Design and Failure Analysis (W) 3 cr
  • STT 351 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3 cr

b. Select four of the following courses: (12 cr)

  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • MSE 460 Electronic Struct, Bonding in Materials and Devices 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Engr Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Mtulrgy of Ferrous and Alumn Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr

c. Complete at least 6 credits from 400-level courses within the College of Engineering: (6 cr)

d. Technical Electives: (3 cr)

Complete at least 3 credits in courses selected from a list of approved technical electives available from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science


Students may elect to complete a more focused set of courses to enhance their ability to function at the interface with another scientific, engineering, or business discipline. Concentrations are available to, but not required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Completing the Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a concentration may require more than 128 credits. The concentration will be noted on the student's transcript.


Biomedical Materials Engineering Concentration: (25 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills in human biology and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a biomedical materials engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (12 cr)

  • ANTR 350 Human Gross Anatomy for Pre Health Prof 3 cr
  • CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • ME 495 Tissue Mechanics 3 cr
  • MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr

2. Complete one of the following courses: (4 cr)

  • PSL 250 Introduction to Physiology 4 cr
  • PSL 310 Physiology for Pre-Health Professionals 4 cr

3. Complete two of the following courses: (6 cr)

  • MSE 460 Electronic Struct, Bonding in Materials and  Devices 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramics and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alumn Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr

4. Technical Electives: (3 cr)

At least 3 credits from a list of approved technical electives.


Manufacturing Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills with business and design engineers for manufacturing projects and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a manufacturing engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (12 cr)

  • ECE 415 Computer Aided Manufacturing 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr
  • ME 478 Product Development 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr

2. Complete three of the following courses: (9 cr)

  • GBL 323 Introduction to Business Law 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474 Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alum Alloys 3 cr


Metallurgical Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To enhance the student’s ability to characterize, process, and design with metals in association with mechanical engineers and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a metallurgical engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (18 cr)

  • ME 423 Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • ME 475 Computer Aided Design of Structures 3 cr
  • MSE 477 Manufacturing Processes 3 cr
  • MSE 465 Design and Application of Egr. Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476 Phys Metallurgy of Ferrous and Alum Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 481 Spectroscopic and Diffraction Analysis of Materials 3 cr

2. Complete one of the following courses: (3 cr)

  • ME 425 Experimental Mechanics 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr


Polymeric Engineering Concentration: (21 cr)

To gain interdisciplinary skills to facilitate interactions with chemical engineers and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a polymeric engineering concentration, students must complete requirement 3.a. above and the following:

1. Complete all of the following: (18 cr)

  • CEM 251 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 252 Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • CE 321 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 3 cr
  • CHE 472 Composite Materials Processing 3 cr
  • CHE 473 Chem Engr Prncpls in Polymrs and Matls Sys 3 cr
  • MSE 426 Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr

2. Complete the following: (3 cr)

Complete at least 3 credits in courses selected from a list of approved technical electives available from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.

The requirements listed apply to students admitted to the major of Materials Science and Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CHEMS) beginning Fall 2022. The Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each student is strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor to obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of courses.

Some courses may have prerequisites, which are not otherwise required in the program. Students should check course descriptions to ensure they are aware of prerequisites.

* College Admission Requirement

**ECE 302 and ECE 303 may be substituted for ECE 345

Total Credits Required for Degree 128


Freshman Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
CEM 161 1 Elective 1
CEM 151 4 CEM 152


EGR 100 2 EGR 102 2
MTH 132 3 MTH 133 4
WRA 101 4 PHY 183 4
Total 14 Total 14


Sophomore Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
MSE 250 3 Bioscience 3/4
CE 221 3 MSE 260 3
MTH 234 4 ME 222 3
ISS 2XX 4 MTH 235 3
IAH 201-210 4 PHY 184 4
Total 18 Total 16/17


Junior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
Elective 3 Elective 2
MSE 310 3 MSE 360 3
MSE 331 2 MSE 370 3
MSE 320 3 MSE 381 2
Engr 400 Level 3 MSE460/465/477 3
STT 351 3 IAH 211 or > 4
Total 17 Total 17


Senior Year

Fall Credits Spring Credits
Elective 3 Elective 4
MSE 425/474/476 3 MSE 466 3
MSE 425/474/476 3 MSE 460/465/477 3
ECE 345 3 Engr 400 Level 3
ISS 3** 4 Technical Elective 3
Total 16 Total 16

Program Objectives

The MSE program prepares students to apply their understanding of the processing, application, and sustainable use of engineering materials essential to the realization of new ideas coming from engineers, scientists, enterprises, and society. Our overarching objectives are to equip graduates with the confidence that comes from professionalism, and provide them with the tools needed to contribute meaningfully within any of the diverse professional career paths they may choose.

Since the discipline creates bridges between science and engineering, MSE majors must communicate effectively with people in many different specialties, and work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams. MSE graduates must be aware of the economic, social, and environmental implications entailed in the processing and use of materials, and must have a solid grounding in professional engineering ethics.

The faculty provide a rigorous academic environment so that graduates will have mastered the analytical and technical skills needed to successfully compete as professionals, entrepreneurs, or as postgraduate scholars.

The graduates of the MSE Program will:

  • Achieve success in Materials Science and Engineering or another chosen career;
  • Facilitate success within multidisciplinary environments and advance to leadership roles within their profession and community;
  • Contribute innovatively to their disciplines, economies and society;
  • Compete with confidence for postgraduate education opportunities;
  • Enjoy the benefits of a lifetime of learning and professional development.

Objectives and Outcomes

Program criteria for materials (1), metallurgical (2), ceramics (3) and similarly named engineering programs:

  • (1,2) Lead Society for Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Programs: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
  • (3) Lead Society for Ceramics Engineering Programs: American Ceramic Society
  • (1) Cooperating Societies for Materials Engineering Programs: American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • (2) Cooperating Society for Metallurgical Engineering Programs: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
  • (3) Cooperating Society for Ceramics Engineering Programs: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society These program criteria apply to engineering programs including "materials," "metallurgical," “ceramics,” “glass”, "polymer," “biomaterials,” and similar modifiers in their titles.

The curriculum must prepare graduates:

  • to apply advanced science (such as chemistry, biology and physics), computational techniques and engineering principles to materials systems implied by the program modifier, e.g., ceramics, metals, polymers, biomaterials, composite materials.
  • to integrate the understanding of the scientific and engineering principles underlying the four major elements of the field:
  • structure
  • properties
  • processing
  • performance
  • to apply and integrate knowledge from each of the above four elements of the field using experimental, computational and statistical methods to solve materials problems including selection and design consistent with the program educational objectives.

The faculty expertise for the professional area must encompass the four major elements of the field.


Since the Materials Science and Engineering degree bridges the areas of metals, ceramics and polymers, students may specialize in an area that will enhance their ability to enter particular engineering enterprises, and/or communicate and design with different types of engineers on a multi-disciplinary team by completing of the following concentrations that will appear on their transcript:


  • Biomedical materials engineering

  • Manufacturing engineering

  • Metallurgical engineering

  • Polymeric engineering


For students who do not choose one of the above concentrations, the flexibility of the MSE degree program allows students to take classes from many other departments so that they can deepen their knowledge in complementary areas, such as business, electronic materials, statistics, etc.


Information on the coursework required for the various options, please view the Program description (via MSU Registrar).

Technical Electives

It is possible that other courses can be approved that are not on the list, with review by the MSE Curriculum Committee.

  • *ANTR 350, Human Gross Anatomy for Pre-Health Professionals 3 cr
  • BMB 401, Comprehensive Biochemistry 4 cr
  • BMB 461, Advanced Biochemistry I 3 cr
  • BMB 462, Advanced Biochemistry II 3 cr
  • BMB 471, Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory 3 cr
  • *CEM 251, Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 252, Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • *CEM 351, Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
  • CEM 352, Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
  • CEM 411, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr
  • CEM 484, Molecular Thermodynamics 3 cr
  • CHE 201, Material and Energy Balances 3 cr
  • CHE 311, Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer 3 cr
  • CHE 472, Composite Materials Processing 3 cr
  • CHE 473, Chemical Engineering Principles in Polymers and Materials Systems 3 cr
  • CSE 231, Introduction to Programming I 4 cr
  • CSE 232, Introduction to Programming II 4 cr
  • CSE 260, Discrete Structures in Computer Science 4 cr
  • ECE 201, Circuits and Systems I 3 cr
  • ECE 202, Circuits and Systems II 3 cr
  • ECE 302, Electronic Circuits 3 cr
  • ECE 474, Principles of Electronic Devices 3 cr
  • ENE 280, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science 3 cr
  • ENE 481, Environmental Chemistry: Equilibrium Concepts 3 cr
  • ME 201, Thermodynamics 3 cr
  • ME 423, Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 cr
  • ME 425, Experimental Mechanics 3 cr
  • ME 426, Introduction to Composite Materials 3 cr
  • ME 481, Mechanical Engineering Design Projects 3 cr
  • *ME 495, Tissue Mechanics 3 cr
  • MMG 301, Introductory Microbiology 3 cr
  • *MSE 425, Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3 cr
  • MSE 465, Design & Application of Engineering Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 474, Ceramic and Refractory Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 476, Physical Metallurgy of Ferrous and Aluminum Alloys 3 cr
  • MSE 481, Spectroscopic and Diffraction Analysis of Materials 3 cr
  • MSE 490, Independent Study 3 cr
  • MSE 491, Selected Topics 3 cr
  • MSE 499, Senior Research and Design Project (W) 3 cr
  • MTH 309, Linear Algebra I 3 cr
  • MTH 314, Matrix Algebra with Applications 3 cr
  • MTH 320, Analysis I 3 cr
  • MTH 414, Linear Algebra II 3 cr
  • PHM 350, Introductory Human Pharmacology 3 cr
  • PHY 215, Thermodynamics and Modern Physics 3 cr
  • PHY 321, Classical Mechanics I 3 cr
  • PHY 480, Computational Physics 3 cr
  • PSL 250, Introductory Physiology 4 cr
  • PSL 425, Physiological Biophysics 3 cr
  • PSL 431, Human Physiology I 4 cr
  • PSL 432, Human Physiology II 4 cr
  • STT 441, Probability and Statistics I: Probability 3 cr
  • STT 442, Probability and Statistics II: Statistics 3 cr
  • STT 466, Spatial Data Analysis 3 cr
  • *IBIO 341, Fundamental Genetics 4 cr
  • *IBIO 425, Cells and Development 4 cr

*Asterisk signifies courses that CANNOT be used as technical electives if student is completing the Biomedical Materials Engineering Concentration.

More Info

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from physics, chemistry, and engineering to understand and develop materials for various applications. It involves studying the structure, properties, and processing of materials like metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, focusing on their behavior under different conditions. Materials scientists design methods for shaping or synthesizing materials, such as casting or additive manufacturing, while also analyzing how atomic and molecular arrangements affect properties like mechanical, electrical, and thermal performance. Engineers in this field work on material design, research, quality control, failure analysis, and product development across industries such as aerospace, biomedical, and microelectronics.


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