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The MSU First-Year Engineering CoRe Experience is our program to assist incoming engineering majors to succeed in the early stages of their academic careers. We teach the first engineering design course as well as one of the introductory computing classes. CoRe also provides services to help our students improve their academic, professional and personal skills. We believe we have one of the best fully-integrated academic and co-curricular programs in the nation. All incoming first-year students who select an engineering major preference are automatically considered part of CoRe and have access to all the resources that are provided.

Several colleges on the MSU campus support their students through residential programs where incoming students live together in designated university housing. These programs are known as a living-learning communities (LLCs). CoRe is the LLC for our college where a majority of our students live in the MSU South Neighborhood which is comprised of Wilson Wonders, Holden and Case Halls. These buildings also house our departmental offices, classrooms and laboratories as well as other service organizations and programs.

CoRe partners closely with academic advising and career services to provide easy access to trained professionals to help students build course schedules and secure internships, co-ops or full-time positions. We also operate a fully-staffed tutoring center to assist students with their mathematics (algebra, trigonometry, calculus and differential equations) and science (chemistry and physics) courses. And, CoRe works closely with our industrial partners to bring their expertise and real-world opportunities to the classroom. Our goal is to support students by giving them access to the resources they need to become successful engineers and computer scientists.

History of CoRe

Students around a table for tutor session


  • Tutoring program expanded to include pre-calculus math courses
  • Design Justice minor implemented between College of Engineering and RCAH with EGR 100 as base course


  • Largest incoming class in college’s 134 history comprised of nearly 1,800 students
  • Hosted national First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) conference


  • Wonders Hall 35,000 square foot classroom and lab renovation completed and dedicated


  • Began development of Peace Engineering Initiative with RCAH containing Education Abroad component with service learning projects implemented in EGR 100
  • Added new course EGR 891 Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists


  • Timothy Hinds named director
  • CoRe begins partnership with MSU Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) Program on Sustainability in Costa Rica


  • Tenneco becomes industrial theme partner
  • Instructional staff added with growth to nearly 1,700 incoming students


  • Implemented Sounding Board of program stakeholders


  • Added new course EGR 291 Spatial Visualization


  • S. Patrick Walton named director
  • Program name changed to Cornerstone Engineering and Residential (CoRe) Experience
  • Mission defined as “Turn every first-year engineering student into a second-year engineering student”, S. P. Walton
  • Bosch becomes industrial theme partner


  • Consumers Energy and GE become first industrial theme partners


  • Residential Option for Science and Engineering Students (ROSES) transitions to Engineering Residential Program and moves to South Neighborhood


  • Neeraj Buch named inaugural director
  • EGR 100 and EGR 102 delivered at large-scale with 650 incoming first-year students
  • Wilson Hall renovated to include computer and project labs


  • Initial development by inter-departmental team within the College of Engineering
  • Two courses developed and piloted: EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design and EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling


  • New program discussions begin with Dean Satish Udpa, Associate Dean Thomas Wolff and Provost Kim Wilcox
  • New program announced to Big Ten Academic Alliance