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Frequently Asked Questions


All incoming first-year engineering students, who select an engineering major preference, are automatically considered part of the First-Year Engineering CoRe Experience. Regardless of where students live on campus, they will have access to the same resources.

First-year Engineering CoRe Experience offers residential housing for engineering students in South Neighborhood. The majority of first-year engineering students who choose to LIVE and LEARN within the Living-Learning Community (LLC) are housed in either Wilson or Wonders Hall, with other engineering students. To reside in those spaces, you will need to be a first-year student with an engineering major preference. Because of the increasing size of our first-year engineering class, we are unable to guarantee placement in the designated living space. The Housing Assignments Office staff will do their best to place first-year engineering students in Wilson and Wonders Hall. Learn more about South Neighborhood here.

Beginning Fall of 2022, students are required to live on campus for their first two years at MSU. The Engineering Living Learning Community will expand to offer select rooms for second-year engineering students who wish to reside in the Engineering LLC. Second-year students who choose to reside within the Engineering Living Learning Community will have designated living space in Shaw, Wonders or Emmons Halls, with other second-year engineering students. Like the First-Year designated LLC, we are unable to accommodate non-engineering roommates.

We are unable to I non-engineering roommates in the designated living space. If you elect to reside with a roommate who has not selected an engineering major, you will need to request to opt out of living in First-year Engineering CoRe Experience Residential Housing.

Living Learning Community opt-out information, including the link to the form, can be found here.

First-year Engineering CoRe Experience Honors Students have the option of living on a designated Honors Floor, with other Engineering Honors Students, in Wilson Hall. Students who wish to live on a different Honors College floor, outside of CoRe, will need to request to opt out of CoRe Residential Housing. Honors housing questions, outside of CoRe, can be directed to

Incoming First-year Engineering CoRe Experience Students may request to opt out of living in First-year Engineering CoRe Experience Residential Housing, before June 10th. IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO KNOW BEFORE CHOOSING TO OPT-OUT:

1. We are unable to honor any changes after June 10th.

2. If you change your mind about opting-out and want to return, you will need to add your name to the Room Change Wait-list via your MyHousing Account in late August.

3. If you opt-out of living in the First-year Engineering CoRe Experience designated living space, you will be placed outside of South Neighborhood.

4. Make sure your prospective roommate checks to see if their selected major is part of a residential program or Living Learning Community. Most residential programs and Living Learning Communities are unable to accommodate roommates outside of their major. For more information about Living Learning Community Housing Guidelines: LLC Housing Guidelines.

Second-year students who wish to opt-out of the Engineering LLC will do nothing when given a room selection date in mid-March. By not selecting a room during the initial sign-up period, students will automatically receive a new date to select a room outside of the Engineering Living Learning Community. 
For additional information or questions, please contact our office at (517) 355-6616, ext. 2.

For more information about the housing sign up process, visit: Live On Sign Up

While residing in the First-year Engineering CoRe Experience Living-Learning Community is recommended, it is not a requirement. Students may choose to live anywhere on campus and still take advantage of CoRe resources and participate in our programs and events.

Second year students who do not wish to reside in the designated locations should "do nothing" during the housing sign-up period, and they will automatically receive a new date for selection outside of South Neighborhood.

CoRe works to create a sense of community for engineering students who live and learn together in South Neighborhood. It is important that students understand that these are not just classmates but also their friends. We want students to grow by experiencing the interesting, diverse, vibrant community of first-year engineers. The living-learning environment also facilitates social connections that broaden students’ Spartan experience.

Computers and Printing

Information on student printing options is available on the DECS (Division of Engineering Computing) and Technology at MSU websites.

The College of Engineering computer requirements are the same as the Michigan State University computer requirements; however, the Division of Engineering Computing (DECS) provides further recommendations: 

DECS Minimums & Suggestions


It is important for newly admitted and current MSU students to meet with their academic advisor each semester. Visit Meet with an Advisor for contact information.

Course override information can be found under the Academic Forms section of Current Undergraduate Students.

Connect with your academic advisor for information on courses that transfer. Visit Meet with an Advisor for contact information.
Connect with your academic advisor for information on courses that transfer. Visit Meet with an Advisor for contact information.

Student Success

Tutoring is offered Sunday through Thursday evenings, 6pm to 10pm, and typically begins the third week of the semester, running through the week before final exams. Students have the opportunity to attend regular tutoring sessions, as well as mid-term and final exam review sessions, in the following subjects:

  • PHY 183 Physics I
  • PHY 184 Physics II
  • MTH 103 College Algebra (includes MTH 103A and MTH 103B)
  • MTH 114 Trigonometry
  • MTH 116 College Algebra and Trigonometry
  • MTH 132 Calculus I
  • MTH 133 Calculus II
  • MTH 234 Calculus III
  • MTH 235 Differential Equations
  • CEM 141 General Chemistry

CoRe tutors are undergraduate engineering students with excellent academic records. First-Year students find CoRe tutoring to be helpful and beneficial to their academic success.

  • A number of tutoring options are available for current MSU students. Contact your academic advisor for more information.

Peer Leaders CoRe Peer Leaders are upper-level engineering students who live among CoRe students and serve as role models for success as engineering students. Through relationship building and group activities, Peer Leaders create a strong, connected support network that fosters academic, professional, and personal success for CoRe students.

Peer Leaders assist with the organization of academic, professional and social events for our students to attend, as well as perform weekly door-to-door check-ins with our students in the First-Year Living Learning Community. Throughout the academic year students attend community events created to help them grow as an engineering major, connect with the campus community, and learn more about the professional world of engineering from faculty members and engineers currently in the workforce. In 2023, CoRe expanded programming services to include the residential settings of engineering students outside the South Neighborhood.

Professional Development

The CoRe Experience benefits from a strong connection to industry, giving students insight on engineering in the "real world". Building connections with our corporate partners helps CoRe students visualize the impact they can make in their careers. Our partners also support "theme floors" that teach students about 21st-century engineering practice, while providing collaborative spaces where students can work and play together.

Theme partners

Consumers Energy logoGE logoLilly logo

Project partners

GE logoPPG logoBorgWarmer logo

The CoRe Experience benefits from a strong partnership with the Careers Center (link to page). Through this partnership, CoRe students are prepared to network with engineering recruiters interested in hiring interns and co-ops. Students are taught how to build professional resumes, prepare for career workshops and job fairs, and how to get the most out of experiential education opportunities.