The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Engineering Mechanics.
There is a Master’s plan A for degree in Engineering Mechanics. Master’s plan A has these components: (1) prescribed course work, (2) research, (3) a master’s thesis, and (4) the oral defense of the master’s thesis with M.S. Degree Examination Committee.
There is a Master’s plan B for degree in Engineering Mechanics. The Master’s plan B has two components: (1) prescribed course work, and (2) a final evaluation by the academic advisor and graduate advisor.
Graduate HandbookApplications are all considered for Financial Aid and Assistantships. Applications received by the above dates will receive the maximum consideration for this Financial Aid and Assistantships.
Current Research Groups are:
The graduate application fee is $65 for domestic students and $75 for international students.
Upload/enter additional application materials/information and request letters of recommendations using the graduate student education portal which you access with your MSU applicant ID and password. The portal also allows you to check the status of your application and send e-messages to the department.
You must make sure that all the above documents: application, exam scores, financial proof, and recommendations use exactly the same first and last names. One of the largest single causes for incomplete applications is an applicant's use of multiple forms their name including reversal of last (family) name and first (personal) name on application documents. Admissions cannot correctly process documents if different forms of your name are used on documents submitted. Be consistent.
The Mechanical Engineering Department's address is:
Graduate Program
Department of Mechanical Engineering
428 S. Shaw Lane, Rm. 2555
East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
For more information, please email the Mechanical Engineering Graduate program at or Dr. Lik Chaun Lee at
For more information regarding International Admissions, visit The Graduate School Website.
Annual cost information and a budgeting tool is available at the MSU Tuition Calculator.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Engineering Mechanics.
There is a Master’s plan A for degree in Engineering Mechanics. Master’s plan A has these components: (1) prescribed course work, (2) research, (3) a master’s thesis, and (4) the oral defense of the master’s thesis with M.S. Degree Examination Committee.
There is a Master’s plan B for degree in Engineering Mechanics. The Master’s plan B has two components: (1) prescribed course work, and (2) a final evaluation by the academic advisor and graduate advisor.
Graduate HandbookApplications are all considered for Financial Aid and Assistantships. Applications received by the above dates will receive the maximum consideration for this Financial Aid and Assistantships.
Current Research Groups are:
The graduate application fee is $65 for domestic students and $75 for international students.
Upload/enter additional application materials/information and request letters of recommendations using the graduate student education portal which you access with your MSU applicant ID and password. The portal also allows you to check the status of your application and send e-messages to the department.
You must make sure that all the above documents: application, exam scores, financial proof, and recommendations use exactly the same first and last names. One of the largest single causes for incomplete applications is an applicant's use of multiple forms their name including reversal of last (family) name and first (personal) name on application documents. Admissions cannot correctly process documents if different forms of your name are used on documents submitted. Be consistent.
The Mechanical Engineering Department's address is:
Graduate Program
Department of Mechanical Engineering
428 S. Shaw Lane, Rm. 2555
East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
For more information, please email the Mechanical Engineering Graduate program at or Dr. Lik Chaun Lee at
For more information regarding International Admissions, visit The Graduate School Website.
Annual cost information and a budgeting tool is available at the MSU Tuition Calculator.
The Biomechanics group within the MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering applies fundamental principles found in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics to model the human body, predict its response, and create devices that aid in health monitoring, performance improvement, protection, and treatment. Our ability to analyze and model individual variations in health and performance make our work broadly applicable to the full range of populations: both the young and aging; the healthy and those who have sustained injury due to disease or trauma.
Possible Math Courses (One is required for EM track)
The Biomechanics group within the MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering applies fundamental principles found in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics to model the human body, predict its response, and create devices that aid in health monitoring, performance improvement, protection, and treatment. Our ability to analyze and model individual variations in health and performance make our work broadly applicable to the full range of populations: both the young and aging; the healthy and those who have sustained injury due to disease or trauma.
The Biomechanics group within the MSU Department of Mechanical Engineering applies fundamental principles found in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics to model the human body, predict its response, and create devices that aid in health monitoring, performance improvement, protection, and treatment. Our ability to analyze and model individual variations in health and performance make our work broadly applicable to the full range of populations: both the young and aging; the healthy and those who have sustained injury due to disease or trauma.
The dynamics and vibration track provides the engineering and scientific foundation for the analysis and design of machines and structures for their movement and vibration. Dynamics is the description of motion and the study of motion that results from applied forces and constraints. Vibration is the special case of the dynamics of oscillatory motion or sound.
The MSME degree program for dynamics and vibration is based on the fundamental course work offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). This sequence of courses includes those below, with a choice between the last two depending on the odd/even year.
The EM program also includes ME 820 (Continuum Mechanics), ME 821 (Linear Elasticity), and a course in mathematics.
Kinematics in two and three dimensions, Newton’s equations of motion, energy methods for deriving equations of motion, Hamilton’s principle, Hamiltonian systems, particle and rigid body dynamics. (Mukherjee, Feeny)
Mathematical modeling of vibration systems using the principles of dynamics; free vibration with linear and Coulomb damping, harmonically forced vibration, suddenly forced vibration, and randomly excited vibration; single and multiple degrees of freedom, modal analysis, proportional and general damping; distributed parameter systems and reduced order modeling; nonlinear resonances, modal interactions, parametric excitation and self excited systems; perturbation methods and bifurcation theory; symbol dynamics and chaos. (Mukherjee, Feeny)
Fall Arrival
Fall Semester: 9 credits (cr)
(1) course from Mathematics or Statistics, 400 level or above (EM requirement) 3 cr
Spring Semester: 9cr
(1) course from the list of courses below: 3 cr
Summer: 6 cr
Fall Semester: 6 cr
any 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
TOTAL 30 credits
The following four must be satisfied.
Spring Arrival
Spring Semester: 9cr
(2) Elective courses, e.g. from the list of courses below: 6 cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
Fall Semester: 9 cr
(1) course from Mathematics or Statistics, 400 level or above (EM requirement): 3 cr
Summer: 6 cr
Spring Semester: 6 cr
(1) course from the list of courses below 3 cr
TOTAL 30 credits
The following four must be satisfied.
Mechanical systems provides the engineering and scientific foundation for the design, control and optimization of machines defined as systems of interconnected elements that produce and control motions, forces, and material flows. It includes modeling (physical, mathematical and simulative), instrumentation and actuation, control and optimization methodologies (especially in real time), and methodologies for synthesis in the presence of multiple conflicting objectives.
The MSME degree program for dynamic systems and control is based on fundamental course work offered jointly through the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). This sequence of courses includes:
Students should augment these courses with courses in the areas of Dynamics and Vibration, Solids and Structures and Data Acquisition as well as full filling breadth requirements in Fluid Mechanics or Thermal Engineering.
Modeling and design of mechanical and mixed energy dynamic systems. State Space and Bond Graph methods. Simulation software design. Linear and non-linear transient simulation. Intellegent simulation methods for automated analysis of complex engineering systems.
Mathematical modeling of engineering systems for feedback control. Feedback and feedforward controller design synthesis. Time domain and frequency domain robustness and stability analysis. Applications to rotorcraft, vehicle acoustics, distributed structures, mechanical servos and thermal systems
Fall Semester: 9 credit (cr)
Spring Semester: 9cr
(1) course from the list of courses below: 3 cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
Summer: 6 cr
Fall Semester: 6 cr
and one course from the list of courses below: 3 cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
TOTAL 30 credits
In addition to ECE/ME 851: Linear Systems and Control, each student must take course from at least two (2) of the three (3) areas below.
The primary areas of fluid mechanics research at Michigan State University's Mechanical Engineering program are in developing computational methods for the prediction of complex flows, in devising experimental methods of measurement, and in applying them to improve understanding of fluid-flow phenomena. Theoretical fluid dynamics courses provide a foundation for this research as well as for related studies in areas such as combustion, heat transfer, thermal power engineering, materials processing, bioengineering and in aspects of manufacturing engineering.
The MSME degree program for fluid mechanics is based around two graduate-level foundation courses offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). These courses are:
The ME 830 course is the basic graduate level course in the continuum theory of fluid mechanics that all students should take. In the ME 840 course, the theoretical understanding gained in ME 830 is supplemented with material on numerical methods, discretization of equations, and stability constraints appropriate for developing and using computational methods of solution to fluid mechanics and convective heat transfer problems. Students augment these courses with additional courses in fluid mechanics and satisfy breadth requirements by selecting courses in the areas of Thermal Sciences,
Many fluid flow phenomena are too complicated to be understood fully or predicted accurately by either theory or computational methods. Sometimes the boundary conditions of real-world problems cannot be analyzed accurately. Some methods of prediction use models of unknown reliability. Therefore there is a strong interest in carrying out research that would provide experimental solutions to unresolved fluid-flow questions, and in developing new measurement techniques that would provide such information.
Fluid turbulence, and in particular its accurate mathematical description, is one of the great remaining unsolved problems of physics. There are needs for detailed measurements of turbulent phenomena, for computer simulations of those phenomena under idealized conditions, and for the continued development of models that would better predict complex fluids flows, reacting flows, and multi-phase flows.
In computational fluid mechanics, modem research is concerned with algorithms appropriate for accurate solutions in complex discretized domains, numerical approaches to governing equations from multiple, coupled physical disciplines such as fluid mechanics and combustion, acoustics, solid-structure interactions, magnetic fields, etc. There is also interest in predictive modeling of fine scale turbulence in fluid flow, using techniques such as large eddy simulation, and of reacting flows using pdf methods.
Fall Semester: 9 credit (cr)
Choose one course from: 3 cr
Spring Semester: 9 cr
Choose three courses from:
Summer: 4 cr
or other 400, 800, or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
Fall Semester:8 cr
Choose two 3 credit courses from:
or other 400, 800, or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering 3 cr TOTAL 30 credits
In addition to ME 830, each student must take at least 1 course from 2 of the 3 areas listed below.
Research is conducted in analytical, computational and experimental solid mechanics including theory of elasticity, fastening and joining, experimental mechanics and optical strain measurement, impact and crashworthiness.
The MSME degree program for solid mechanics is based on fundamental course work offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). This sequence of courses includes: ME820 Continuum Mechanics Fall (every year) ME821 Linear Elasticity Spring (every year) ME825 Experimental Mechanics Spring (every year) Students should augment these courses with courses in energy methods, materials science, plasticity as well as fulfilling breadth requirements in Dynamical Systems, Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences.
Computational Mechanics Multi-level design of complex systems, crashworthiness, coupled fluid, thermal, structural and electro-magnetic fields. Uncertainty in design. Optimization of structures and materials. Experimental Mechanics Development and improvement of methods including digital laser speckle, digital photoelasticity, moiré fringe methods, thermoelastic stress analysis for applications in automotive, aerospace and biomechanics. Decision tools for non-destructive evaluation. Fastening and joining Adhesive and bolted assemblies, computational and experimental approaches, thick composite sections for heavy duty vehicles. High performance materials Design of composite materials for absorbing high impact energy and high resistance to penetration. Simulation of blast, crash testing and plastic wave propagation. Analytical modeling of mechanical behavior under extreme strain conditions.
Fall Semester: 9 credit (cr)
Spring Semester: 9cr
One course from the list of courses below 3cr
Summer Semester: 6cr
Fall Semester: 6cr
One course from list of courses below: 3cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
TOTAL 30 credits
In addition to ME 820, ME 821 and ME825 each student will be required to take at least a course from one of the two areas below.
Research is conducted in the analytical and numerical tools for Design and Manufacturing including manufacturing processes, optimization, micro-machining, composites manufacturing, and laser cutting and material processing.
The MSME degree program for manufacturing is based on the fundamental course work offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). This sequence of courses includes:
Students should augment these courses with courses in manufacturing processes, materials science, transport phenomena, computer aided manufacturing, robotics, controls, as well as full filling breadth requirements in Fluid Mechanics or Thermal Sciences.
Laser materials interaction/processing, laser hybrid manufacturing, laser micromachining, sheet metal forming, polymeric composite manufacturing and manufacturing processes
Mechanical behavior of materials, plasticity, constitutive modeling, advanced materials, characterization and testing, and mechanics of heterogeneous and anisotropic materials
Multiphysics and multiphase flow simulation, modeling of plasma processing, fluid-structure interactions (FSI), Lattice Boltzmann method, computational electrodynamics, computational mechanics, heat transfer and flow phenomena in materials processing, mathematical modeling of manufacturing processes, finite element analysis
Materials issues in design and manufacturing, materials by design, design and manufacturing automation, and manufacturing process design
Fall Semester: 9 credit (cr)
Spring Semester: 9cr
(2) courses from the list of courses below: 3 cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
Summer: 6 cr
Fall Semester: 6 cr
One course from the list of courses below: 3 cr
or other 400, 800 or 900 level courses inside or outside Mechanical Engineering
TOTAL 30 credits
In addition to ME 820, ME 821 and ME 861 each student must take a course from at least one (1) of the two (2) areas below.