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Dynamic Systems and Controls Group

The Dynamic Systems and Controls group engages in advanced research and complimentary graduate education programs in two areas: dynamics and controls, with significant overlap between both areas. The research in dynamic systems is very broad and covers topics such as vibration of turbine blades, modal decomposition with application to linear modal analysis, wave behavior, animal locomotion, pendulum vibration absorbers, energy harvesting, dynamics with friction, automotive and aerospace noise, vibration, and harshness, and system identification. The research in controls covers problems in mechatronics and robotics, impulsive dynamical systems, biped locomotion, interfaces for robotic systems, underwater robotic systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). There is also a focus on automotive powertrain control, which include hybrid powertrain optimization, engine combustion control and optimization, and turbocharger control integrated with the emerging area of vehicle connectivity. The Dynamic Systems and Controls group offers a rigorous graduate curriculum in theory of vibrations, nonlinear vibrations, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, linear control systems, nonlinear control, optimal control, and robust control.

Autonomous vehicle research 
Smart tire research 


Brian Feeny

See Profile

Zhaojian Li

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Hamidreza Modares

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Ranjan Mukherjee

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Wei-Che Tai

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Guoming Zhu

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