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Graduate Resources

Richard H. Brown Endowed Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering  (ME)

  • Graduate / Masters  Major in Department(s):Mechanical Engineering
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A306262

Jesse M. Campbell Endowed Memorial Scholarship/Fellowship in Engineering 

  • Preference given to student(s) who have demonstrated an interest in the power industry or energy technology through out-of-classroom learning opportunities. Recipients(s) shall be full-time undergraduate or graduate student(s), including incoming and transfer students.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30613

Joseph M. and Suzanne H. Colucci Endowed Graduate Fellowship 

  • Recipients shall be full-time graduate students who are pursuing an advanced degree in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on energy. Preference shall be given to students who have a demonstrated interest in an area related to the generation of fuels or conversion of energy for use in an automotive system.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30622

Dr. Pandeli Durbetaki Endowed Graduate Research Fellowship in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for the Field of Thermal Sciences

  • The Dr. Durbetaki Research Fellowship shall be awarded to one or more graduate students who are starting or continuing their study at the doctoral level in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and majoring in the field of thermal sciences. This Fellowship may be awarded outright or as a supplement to another Fellowship awarded to a doctoral student. Fellowship recipients may receive the award more than once, provided they qualify and merit the award.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30623

John F. and Jacqueline K. Foss Endowment for Experimental Fluid Dynamics 

  • The Fund is intended to provide unrestricted discretionary financial support for the Experimental Fluid Mechanics Research Program. The Fund may be used to support any number of initiatives within the Program. This includes but is not limited to graduate fellowships, professional travel stipends, conference fees, seminars, research and/or salary support, journal and book purchases, academic initiatives, student programs, etc.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30625

ME Design/Manufacturing Graduate Student Fellowship 

  • The income will be used to support the recruitment and funding of new graduate students entering the Mechanical Engineering Department with an emphasis on design/manufacturing. The primary focus will be on students who wish to pursue their Ph.D. at MSU in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Selection Criteria: The primacy focus will be on students who wish to pursue their Ph.D. at MSU in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30616

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Fellowship Endowment

  • The income will be used to support the recruitment and funding of new graduate students entering the Mechanical Engineering Department, with a primary emphasis on outstanding students who wish to pursue their Ph.D. at MSU in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit  A30615

MGA Research Corporation Endowed Fellowship in the College of Engineering 

  • Preference will be given to Ph.D. students working on research projects that support technology to protect people from harm or injury.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30629

John R. and Carrie I. Wales Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship 

  • The donors wish to establish an endowed scholarship/fellowship fund, which will provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate mechanical engineering students at Michigan State University. Selection Criteria: Recipients shall be full-time undergraduate or graduate students within the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the College of Engineering at MSU. Recipients must be in good academic standing within the college and university. Recipients must demonstrate financial need. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • To help fund this fellowship, visit A30619

For students taking graduate courses online, the College of Engineering has outlined a process, responsibilities, and resources to take proctored exams. If you are taking a graduate course online through the College of Engineering, visit Online Exam Proctoring fully understand the process and your responsibilities before completing an exam.

Teaching Assistantships are awarded by the Graduate Program Office. All applicants requesting admission into the Ph.D. program are automatically reviewed and initial offers, with Teaching Assistantship funding, are made to selected applicants based on their academic record and department need.

Research Assistantships (RA) are awarded by individual faculty to support continuing students. However, newly admitted students could also receive RA funding, depending on the needs of the research programs of faculty members and the strength of the applicant's academic record.

Please contact the graduate program coordinator at (517) 355-5220 in the ME Graduate Office (2555 Engineering Building) if you wish to be added to the list. Preference is given to ME Ph.D. students with experience in the course that has an opening. Academic standing (GPA, qualifying exams) is used if more than one student is available.

The MSU Graduate School provides information on university policies and graduate assistantships on their Graduate Assistantship webpage.

GradPlan helps master's and doctoral students create and store their degree plans and subsequent graduate program activities. It is where students form their guidance committee (if required), create and update a course list, track RECR, and view and complete their annual research activity guide. Visit GradPlan.

For print versions, visit the Mechanical Engineering Qualifying Exams page

Please contact Jeremy Horn at for additional assistance. 



Subscores of 19 or above for reading, listening, and speaking; a writing subscore of 22 or above, and a total score of 80 or above are required for admission to the ME graduate program.

A minimum average score of 6.5 and minimum subscore of 6.0 are required or admission to the ME graduate program.

There is no minimum required GRE score.

Note: This is waived for admission until after Spring 2023

When making admission decisions for the ME graduate program, each applicant is evaluated on the holistic contents within the application package. In general,  applicants admitted to the ME graduate program have a 3.5 GPA or higher.

The committee will begin reviewing applications on the date of the deadline. The applicant will be notified in their portal once a decision has been made. There is no fixed time frame for that decision.

Fall Semester

December 15

Spring Semester

September 15

Yes, as long as the application is submitted by the deadline; applicants can upload materials and scores past the deadline. However, the committee encourages applicants to have all materials uploaded by the deadline.

There are no application items that need to be mailed during the application process; all items must be uploaded to your portal. Once admission is granted, the applicant will be notified at that time whether additional material is requested.

The application is complete when the following items are uploaded to the portal:

  • GRE score (Waived for admission until after Spring 2022)
  • TOEFL/IELTS score
  • Resume
  • Personal and Academic Statements (if not completed on the application)
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • Statement of Financial Proof and Affidavit of Support (if you are an international student and can provide for your own support as a graduate student)

There are four general areas of research work in the ME department:

  1. Biomechanics
  2. Solid Mechanics, Design and Advanced Manufacturing
  3. Dynamic Systems and Control
  4. Thermal and Fluid Science and Engineering

We do not restrict our research to these areas, and we are always looking for ground breaking research topics that have global impact.

It will take 6-8 weeks from the time the admissions office receives all of the documentation requested. This process cannot be expedited.

For more information, please visit the Graduate Admission page.