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Majors, Degrees and Programs

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)

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This program links the undergraduate curriculum with a graduate programcurriculum with the help of a graduate program academic advisor. In as little as 12 months after receiving their B.S.M.E. degree, students can complete a program in either Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Mechanics using this program. Application to the program requires a student to be admitted to Mechanical Engineering and to have maintained a 3.5 GPA in undergraduate courses completed to date. 


Each completed Shared B.S./M.S. Program application requires (4) important pieces:


  1. A completed Shared B.S./M.S. Program Application Form
    1. The Shared B.S./M.S. Program Application is available on the ME Graduate Program website. To complete the form requires items 2) through 4) below. An application including 2) through 4) must be submitted at least 1½ semesters prior to completion of a B.S.M.E. program.
  2. A Graduate Program Advisor
    1. This can be any faculty member in the Mechanical Engineering Department who can advise a graduate student. In general, that means tenure stream faculty because non-tenure stream (teaching, contract research) faculty must be granted that privilege. Good choices are those faculty with whom the prospective student has conducted research, or those whose research is of interest to the student. Otherwise, the Associate Chair for Graduate Programs can function in that role.
  3. A Graduate Program Academic Plan (Course Program)
    1. This document lists the courses the student plans to take. The student chooses these courses with the help of the program advisor. The Graduate Program includes a list of three courses (max) that are in the student’s Undergraduate Course Plan and are waived from the graduate program. The courses waived should be related to the Graduate Program in some way that "links" the two programs together. The Application Form required the student to explain that linkage.
  4. A Graduate Program Application
    1. This allows the ME Graduate Program to formally admit the student so that the student can be assured that the "Shared BS/MS Program" can be completed. The admission will normally be provisional and list conditions that must be satisfied (for example, completing the BS program, minimum GPA on graduation) in order to be admitted. See the Graduate Program Coordinator in the Graduate Office for help regarding the graduate program application process.

Print version: Request for Shared Enrollment Status - Contact Office of Registrar for additional assistance. 

Mechanical Engineering (M.S.)

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Engineering Mechanics (M.S.)

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Mechanical Engineering (M.S.) - Online

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Engineering Mechanics (Ph.D.)

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Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.)

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