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Outreach and Services

close up of a hand writing code

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is excited to contribute to a vision in which the State of Michigan is a driving force for computing and information technology. We engage with a diverse set of strategic and corporate partners on a wide range of issues that benefit research, teaching, and student services in the department.

Partnerships include:

  • Strategic Partners Council
  • Capstone Course clients
  • Formal and informal partnerships with individual faculty 

Sponsor a Capstone Project

The Capstone Experience provides the educational capstone for all students majoring in computer science at Michigan State University. Teams of students build software projects for a variety of project sponsors.

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MSU Spartan Coding Clubs (SPARCC)

We aim to broaden participation in computer science among K-12 students in Michigan and beyond. By engaging K-12 students in face-to-face and virtual programs led by near-peer university student mentors, we aim to build excitement across the rapidly growing fields of information technology, data science and software engineering.

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Giving to Computer Science and Engineering

We are grateful for the scholarships and endowments established by alumni, faculty, and friends of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University.

The Carl V. Page Memorial Graduate Fellowship was established in 1997 in memory of Dr. Page. The fellowship recognizes his contributions as a pioneer in computer science and his role in building a strong CSE graduate program at MSU. The purpose of the fellowship is to honor Dr. Page’s dedication to graduate education with recipients selected on the basis of a demonstrated interest in and aptitude for computer science studies.- A3043

The Horizon Fund will help create new horizons for MSU in computer science education, research, and service. Fund expenditures help CSE continue to recruit world-class students, obtain state-of the-art equipment for innovative educational projects, and enable pursuit of high reward and high risk startup ventures in undergraduate education. - A30479

The Honda Shing Endowed Scholarship / Fellowship in Computer Science was established in 2008 to support promising full-time students who are majoring in computer science.- A30478

The James R. Von Scholars Program is an endowed scholarship fund to benefit College of Engineering undergraduates. - A300510

The Tony D. Lewis Enrichment Fund in Computer Science and Engineering is an endowed fund intended to maintain and further improve the quality of CSE faculty and academic programs and to encourage students to participate in the academic affairs of the department.- A30476

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