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The academic minor in Computer Science will provide a basic foundation in Computer Science. Those completing the minor will be able to apply computing skills in their respective discipline. The minor in Computer Science is available as an elective for those students enrolled in a bachelor's degree program at MSU other than the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science or the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering or the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computational Data Science, or the Bachelor of Science Degree in Data Science. The official requirements for the Computer Science Minor can be viewed in the MSU Academic Programs Catalog.
Students wanting to complete the minor must apply to the Department of Computer Science at the time of completion of CSE 231 and CSE 260 with an average of at least 3.0 for those two courses combined. Enrollment may be limited. Permission is required to take more than 18 CSE credits.
Calculus I and Calculus II are implied components of the Computer Science Minor, since those courses are prerequisites for required courses in the Minor.
The student should complete this application between the 10th week and 14th week of the semester in which the acceptance criteria given below will be met. Students must list their grades in both CSE 231 and CSE 260 on the application. If one of these courses is being completed during the current semester, students should submit the application on the day the grade is posted. The CSE Department will make the acceptance decision by the end of the first week of the following semester. Acceptance may be limited by available resources.
Course Permission requests will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority given to students who are required to take the course in order to graduate in a timely manner.
Course Permission Request Deadlines
Enrollment Limit Requests (if you are requesting space in a course)
Prerequisite Requests (if you are expecting to meet course prerequisites in another way, and you want to be able to enroll in a CSE course on your April enrollment date)
CSE Undergraduate Course Permissions (Override) Information and Request Form
The College of Engineering offers a broad selection of education abroad programs specifically designed for selected majors in order to assure academic success. Once you are admitted to the university, connect with your engineering advisor to talk through your academic plan and education abroad options.
It is a requirement that all undergraduate students at Michigan State University have a laptop computer that can be connected to the Internet. Beyond that, this page has some recommendations for computing that will serve Computer Science and Computational Data Science students well.
A good general recommendation for a suitable laptop system for Computer Science and Computational Data Science would be a late model Windows or Mac system as they will provide the most flexibility. A Chromebook or tablet will likely not support many of the needs you will have. Linux-based systems can be used, but consider that an advanced skill.
Macintosh laptops are completely acceptable, but may have a limited number of ports. Consider purchasing a USB-C or Thunderbolt hub with multiple USB ports and HDMI video.
One thing to avoid is looking for the "perfect" system. There is no single "best" system. You want to get an acceptable system for both today and the foreseeable future.
The Capstone Experience provides the educational capstone for all students majoring in computer science at Michigan State University. Teams of students build software projects for a variety of project sponsors. Visit the Capstone Experience website for more information.
Students interested in pursuing Honors options in CSE courses should contact the course instructor to inquire about the possibility of completing an Honors option for a specific CSE course. Additional information about Honors options is available on the Honors College website.
For questions related to university requirements (e.g., SS/AH substitutions, HCAPP), Honor students should meet with their Honors advisor. For questions related to academic planning or college/major requirements, Honors students should meet with their major advisor.
For questions about undergraduate research, career planning, or graduate school, Honors students may start with their major advisor but may also wish to speak with a faculty member. College of Engineering and CSE faculty members available for honors advising are listed on Honors College website.
All students are required to meet course prerequisites and major restriction requirements before taking any CSE course. This policy also applies to Honors students. If any student, including an Honors student, is enrolled in a CSE course without meeting the prerequisites, the CSE Department reserves the right to remove that student from the course. Students will always be notified before being removed from a CSE course. If you have questions about this departmental policy, please speak with your major advisor.
Visit the Scholarships and Financial Resources page for information.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Michigan State University is revolutionizing research in engineering, the natural sciences, and beyond. We are pursuing research that presses the boundaries of knowledge and gives birth to new fields.
Examples include humanities, medicine, natural science, criminal justice, supply chain management, and natural language research. Below are a few samples of our interdisciplinary research projects.
CSE’s Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab (PRIP) is a world leader in biometric recognition research and technology. Biometrics refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological (e.g. face, fingerprint, or iris) and/or behavioral (e.g., signature) characteristics. Because of increased< concerns about terrorist attacks, security breaches, and financial fraud, many systems now require reliable personal recognition schemes to confirm or deny the identity of an individual.
MATRIX Quilt Project
The creative partnership between computer science, the humanities, and the social sciences — the core of what we now call "humanities technology"— is the cornerstone of the digital revolution. MATRIX, The Center for Humane, Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, serves as a catalyst for and incubator of the emerging fields and disciplines resulting from the integration of the humanities with information technologies.
Discover Feb 2005 Magazine Cover
Faculty in CSE and the life sciences have gained insights into previously unsolved questions of evolution using digital organisms. A population of self-replicating computer programs is subjected to external pressures (such as mutations and limited resources) and allowed to evolve subject to natural selection. This is not a mere simulation of evolution -- digital organisms evolve to survive in a complex computational environment and will adapt to perform entirely new traits in ways never expected by the researchers, some of which seem highly creative. This work, which has enabled the study of evolution to go in directions never thought possible, has been published in Nature, Science, and Discover magazine.
Genomics, Evolution, and Development
The Genomics, Evolution, and Development lab investigates the mechanisms of development: how embryos develop, how genomes encode the developmental process, and how the developmental process has evolved. The lab interests are diverse, yet there is a common goal: researchers seek to intermingle computation with experiment in order to improve our understanding of biology. The lab intersects with a number of fields, both new and old, including developmental biology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, regulatory genomics, and metagenomics.
High-Assurance Systems Initiative
High-assurance computing systems are designed to tolerate failures, and even direct attacks, in order to continue system operation and preserve system integrity. The project uses a real-world problem-driven, multidisciplinary approach to deliver instruction, conduct research, and develop reliable and secure cyber infrastructure. The initiative has received funding from numerous federal agencies (e.g. NSF, ONR, AFRL, DARPA).
Ultra-Large-Scale Software-Intensive Systems
CSE is forming a new NSF-sponsored Industry/University Collaborative Research Center. The project will bring together multidisciplinary researchers (from MSU, U of Virginia, Vanderbilt, and UC San Diego) and industrial collaborators to develop technologies for an emerging area known as Ultra-Large-Scale Software-Intensive Systems (ULSSIS, pronounced "Ulysses"). MSU's focus will be on automated software development for high-assurance and autonomic, run-time adaptive systems.
It’s your time to find your passions and new areas of interest. Visit Undergraduate Research for more information on getting started.
Student groups provide opportunities to develop leadership and communication skills and to form lasting friendships.
The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGA) promotes leadership, support, and social fellowship in the CSE graduate student community.
The student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has long sponsored a wide variety of activities, such as video game contests and weekly faculty/student doughnut hours.
Spartasoft is devoted to learning about and taking part in video game development.
Visit the College of Engineering Student Groups page and the MSU Registered Student Groups page to learn about opportunities to engage.