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All University Campaign

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All university campaign

Faculty, staff, and retirees have been making an enormous difference at the College of Engineering for more than a century. Their professional and personal commitment has created a state of excellence here at the College and across campus. The generous financial support continually shown by the College's faculty, staff and retirees is invaluable in maintaining and enhancing the caliber of its programs, research efforts, and facilities. These gifts provide funding that is needed to continue the teaching, research, and outreach programs essential to MSU's land-grant mission.

The All University Campaign is an important piece of the faculty and staff fundraising efforts at the College of Engineering. Held each Spring, it is designed to focus attention on the giving opportunities available at the College and University and encourages members of the MSU family to make gifts that support their personal values and interests. Please contact the College's Development Office

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A message from the Dean

Thank you for your interest in supporting the College of Engineering through the All University Campaign! Your financial support helps provide the college with funding that achieves the highest standards of excellence. Your gift also gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you continue to support the college and university not only through your talents and expertise, but with your generous charitable contributions. We thank you for your support and are honored by your generosity.

As you consider the variety of giving options, keep in mind that you may designate your gift/pledge to support a specific need within a department or to one or more of departmental funding opportunities. You also have the option of supporting any of the other academic, cultural, or intercollegiate athletic programs across the university. Regardless of your choice, rest assured 100% of your gift/pledge will be directed to the department or program you select.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the College of Engineering Development Office.

John Papapolymerou, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of Engineering