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Funding Priorities

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The number one priority within the College is endowment. An endowment is a gift made on the condition that the principal is continually preserved and that only a percentage of the interest is spent annually. The College of Engineering invites you to pledge your support toward an endowed fund. Please take a few moments to peruse the listing of endowed funds within the College of Engineering segmented by department.

Dean’s recommendations

This discretionary annual fund provides the dean with the greatest flexibility to respond where there is need within the college. This fund is a discretionary fund meaning it can go to support any area that is in need whether it’s updating labs and equipment, funding research projects, granting fellowships, scholarships or any other area that the dean feels needs support.

This discretionary fund is designed to support programs, research and service within the College and allows the dean to allocate resources to the area of greatest need. As an endowment, gifts to this fund provide the college with longer term stable support. This fund is a discretionary fund meaning it can go to support any area that is in need whether it’s updating labs and equipment, funding research projects, granting fellowships, scholarships or any other area that the dean feels needs support.
Gifts to the College of Engineering Student Emergency Fund will provide necessary financial support to the students who need our help. Gifts will support students who are challenged with accessing basic necessities such as housing, food, medical care or required technology resources leveraged to ensure reliable connectivity for remote learning. Gifts will also support students who experience a loss of total family income due to employment impacts experienced by their parents and to support.
Contributions to the College of Engineering Inclusion and Diversity Fund are used to support engineering’s inclusion and diversity programmatic efforts. Gifts will support student success initiatives and programmatic efforts, including undergraduate research opportunities, tutors for students, sending students to conferences to enhance their leadership and professional skills, and scholarships for students in need of assistance with books/tuition.

Recommendations by Academic department

Applied Engineering Sciences

  • Applied Engineering Sciences Discretionary Endowment Fund – A3091 (This pooled endowment was established in 2004 to encourage and establish a stronger base of financial support for program promotion and marketing to industry and potential employers, scholarships and recognition, and activities and special projects.)

Biomedical Engineering

  • Department of Biomedical Engineering- A311

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

  • Chemical Engineering Enhancement Fund – A30209
  • W.G. Shedd Materials Science Endowed Discretionary Fund – A30214
  • Cooper Memorial Scholarship in Chemical Engineering – A3026
  • Chemical Engineering Chairperson’s Endowed Discretionary Fund – A3020

Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Chi Epsilon – NTH Consultants Scholarship Fund - A30327
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering Endowed Discretionary Fund – A3033
  • Civil Infrastructure Laboratory Enhancement Fund - A30325
  • The Mackenzie L. Davis Student Activity Discretionary Endowment Fund – A30306
  • Thomas L. And Ellen E. Maleck Endowed Excellence Fund in Civil Engineering – A 30321
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering Endowed Scholarship – A30300

Computer Science and Engineering

  • Computer Science and Engineering Horizon Fund – A30479
  • Carl V. Page Memorial Scholarship/Fellowship – A3043
  • Computer Science Scholarship/Fellowship Fund – A3041
  • The John Forsyth and Gretchen Duerr Forsyth Endowed Scholarship – A3048

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Discretionary Endowment Fund – A30507

Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Fellowship Endowment – A30615
  • Leonardo Da Vinci Design Endowment Fund – A30614
  • Mechanical Engineering Commemorative Endowment – A3067