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Graduate Resources

GradPlan helps master's and doctoral students create and store their degree plans and subsequent graduate program activities. It is where students form their guidance committee (if required), create and update a course list, track RECR, and view and complete their annual research activity guide. Visit GradPlan.
Applicants are also considered for University, College and Department fellowships as a part of the application review process. In addition, fellowships are awarded to current students on the basis of academic performance.

Individual faculty members identify candidates for research assistant positions on their projects from the applications submitted based on their current needs and the background of the applicant. If you are interested in working with a particular faculty member, you are encouraged to contact them directly.

For students taking graduate courses online, the College of Engineering has outlined a process, responsibilities, and resources to take proctored exams. If you are taking a graduate course online through the College of Engineering, visit Online Exam Proctoring fully understand the process and your responsibilities before completing an exam.

All applicants are considered for financial support as a part of the admission review process. Those awarded financial support will receive an admission letter that specifies the amount of the award. The following types of support are available:

The Department awards TA positions to incoming students based on prior academic performance and the needs of the Department. International students must successfully pass an English language speaking (SPEAK) test to hold a TA position and applicants are strongly encouraged to the take the test in their country prior to application if available. TA positions are normally filled from the fall semester enrollment pool of applicants.