Explore careers and co-ops, get career help, and connect with employers
There are numerous opportunities available to our students beyond the traditional classroom including research opportunities, internships, and education abroad. Many of our undergraduate students work with faculty members in their labs or in the field. These opportunities can be developed for selected Honors College students, through the Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (EnSURE), or through more informal connections.
While we have no formal requirement for internships, many of our students obtain professional experience through summer placements or (for some) during a semester away from the university in cooperative engineering education programs coordinated through the college Careers Center, at the college level. Students may also participate in education abroad opportunities, some of which are coordinated at the college level.
It’s your time to find your passions and new areas of interest. Visit Undergraduate Research for more information on getting started.
The College of Engineering offers a broad selection of education abroad programs specifically designed for selected majors in order to assure academic success. Once you are admitted to the university, connect with your engineering advisor to talk through your academic plan and education abroad options.
Visit the College of Engineering Student Groups page and the MSU Registered Student Groups page to learn about opportunities to engage.